
Prep Jobs That’ll Make Home Renovation Work Ten Times Easier

A ladder is shown with a paint roller against a white wall. There are paint supplies on the floor. This article covers prep jobs that'll make home renovation work ten times easier.

Prep Jobs That’ll Make Home Renovation Work Ten Times Easier

Home renovations take a lot of time and effort — often more than we expect when we clear rooms out and lay tarp all over the floor.

It’s why everyone will recommend going through some prep jobs before you get set up.

When your property is actually ready for a renovation, the working time frame will move a lot smoother and faster! 

So, before you pull out those kitchen cabinets, take the toilet off the wall, or fit a comfortable reading nook in the living room.

Go through the three tasks below and make sure to tick them off.

Remember, the easier the renovation is, the more money you’ll save as well! 

Get a Survey Done

A property survey will let you know the ins and outs of the home you’ve just spent money on. If you’ve never had a survey done before, or you conducted one before that was either incomplete or didn’t give you much to work with, call in some home inspectors right away. 

A survey can let you know where the weak points of the structure are. It can tell you what work needs to be done as soon as possible.

If there are some fraying wires in the downstairs walls, leaving them be as you switch lights on and use the TV could soon lead to an electrical fire.

It would be good to know that before anything serious actually happens!

Check Inside the Walls

Speaking of looking inside the walls, this is not only where your wiring lives, but your studs, your pipes, your insulation, and potentially even a pest infestation too.

You need to know about all of these elements before you do any renovation work. Coming across a problem during a job is going to complicate things. 

You don’t want to use up all your budget on clearing out shoddy work or rats and termites. But if you check for these issues before you get started, your budget won’t go to waste.

Take some time to carry out these checks and get to know the signs and symptoms. 

Move Out Anything Crucial

You don’t want old and/or vintage furniture, that’s high in sentimental value, getting damaged during renovation work.

You also don’t want anything brand new and expensive getting covered in sawdust, bumped by contractors, and being scraped across your newly varnished floors. 

But what can you do to make sure your stuff doesn’t get damaged?

You can cover it up and try to push it out of the way. Though, there’s only so much room in your home, especially if you need space to turn it into a worksite. 

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So, why not hire a storage unit for a little while?

If you’ve got a kind friend with a free garage, see if you can store the most crucial items in there. 

Planning some renovation work in the near future? Get these prep jobs out of the way first.

Do you have any other home renovation work tips to share?

Leave them below!

— Matt


A ladder is shown with a paint roller against a white wall. There are paint supplies on the floor. This article covers prep jobs that'll make home renovation work ten times easier.

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