
Interior Renovation: Exploring the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

A beautiful white and brown kitchen with metal stools at the kitchen island. This article covers interior renovation, the good, the bad, and the ugly.

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Very few interior designs stand the test of time. It’s generally expected that people will want to switch things up a little over time.

It’s either to bring the aesthetic up to date or to simply make the space more functional for its current purpose.

While interior renovations are often a necessity, that’s not to say that they’re easy or simple. There will likely be good, bad, and ugly times during the project.

It’s important to expect and accept that — here’s what you can likely expect to experience.

The Good

Let’s start with the good. There are a range of obvious benefits to interior renovations, most of which revolve around the end result.

You’ll likely increase the value of the property, allowing you to see a return on your investment at some point in the future. 

The space should also end up being far more usable, whether it’s a kitchen or a workshop, and more enjoyable to spend time in.

These will be the immediate benefits, the ‘good’ that you see straight away. 

It’s important to try to keep these benefits in mind when you’re conducting the renovation. It can make it easier to stay focused, especially when things get difficult.

You can keep little reminders around you to encourage this mindfulness, whether that’s changing your phone background or putting a little picture in your car.

The Bad

As with any project of this kind of scope, there are a range of issues you’ll have to navigate. From working out how you’ll finance it all to the disruption it’ll undoubtedly cause to your home life.

All of these things need to be thought about before committing to the renovation. 

Many of these ‘bad’ aspects will be unavoidable. Instead of even trying to avoid them, you’ll need to come up with ways to cope. Whether that’s moving in with a friend for a few months or taking out a loan.

Recognizing the potential negative impacts early on means you can put these strategies in place before the effects occur, rather than having to react after the fact.

The Ugly

Lastly, it’s important to also expect some potential ugliness when renovating your space. There are a number of different hazards that you might face, from dangerous materials to dodgy builders. 

An example of this lies in the possibility of finding asbestos. A highly carcinogenic substance used in a lot of construction materials throughout the 20th century.

It was integrated into a wide range of different materials, from roofing plates to floor tiles, making it difficult to assess exactly where you’ll find it in your property.

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It’s imperative that you remove any hazardous materials like asbestos using the proper techniques. While it can be good to look into how to remove an artex ceiling yourself, ultimately you’ll need to hire a professional to do the job in a safe, non-contaminating manner. 

None of this should put you off renovating your interior. Though, it should provoke you into taking a careful, well-thought-out approach.

By preparing for the harder parts of the process, you can make sure that you are adequately prepared, thereby increasing your overall chances of success in the project.

Do you have any more interior renovation tips?

The name Nancy is shown as a signature.


Interior Renovation: Exploring the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

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