We’re on the Hunt for a New Guitar for Gabby

Music Runs in the Family
One thing is for sure, is that we all love music in our family.
My grandpa used to be a symphony director. My dad plays guitar beautifully and has a knack to play any instrument he picks up.
And me, well—I wasn’t gifted in playing any instruments.
Though I play very little guitar and just know the basics, I did sing in a band with my dad. I love singing and it’s something that I do every single day. I can’t play any instruments well, though.
My daughter on the other hand is gifted in playing the guitar.
She enjoys playing modern music. So far, she has mastered playing and singing at the same time. Now, she is moving into more complicated and intricate chords while still strengthening the basics. She also sings beautifully.
Miley Cyrus and Justin Bieber are among her favorite covers, and especially enjoys playing them. She was singing and playing Miley’s “I’m With You” in these pictures.
Practice, practice, practice!
My father started with her when she was about 4 years old. They began with classical music and of course Spanish songs.
He approached it with very easy songs that only required 2 chords. Of course, he accompanied her and taught her to sing while she accompanied the melody.

Time for a New Guitar
She has the ability with those little hands, and I’m more than happy to help her nourish and grow musically. Which leads me to the next step in her learning—shopping for a new guitar this holiday season!
Since she has outgrown her guitar, she is in need of a bigger guitar. That way, she can continue growing and making beautiful music.
While she can still play her pink guitar, it is getting small for her build. In order to continue playing, she definitely needs a new guitar! Not to mention the wear it’s taken over the years.
Making Memories
One of the things that I enjoy the most is watching them play together. It’s a bond that they share that can’t be changed or taken away.
She is very lucky to share the ability of playing such a beautiful instrument. I tell her to take advantage of her Grandpa’s wealth of knowledge.
She will appreciate so much more when she is older and even when she is an adult herself. Furthermore, she will inherit Grandpa’s guitars too, and I’ll be so happy hearing her play them.
I look forward to it.
Do you play any instruments, or do your kids?
Let me know, til next time—cheers m’deres!
Disclaimer: I was asked to write a post for Tesco. All thoughts and opinions are my own and have not been influenced in any way. Please see disclosure.

Nancy Polanco is a freelance journalist, lifestyle content creator, and editor of Whispered Inspirations. She is a proud Mom to Gabby and Michaela and partner and best friend to Darasak. Having worked as part of a health care team for almost a decade, Nancy is happy to be back to her passion. She is a contributor to the Huffington Post, TODAY’s Parents, and an Oprah Magazine Brand Ambassador.
what a colourful guitar, cute picture 🙂 children do inherit these qualities
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Great post! I just bought my hubby a guitar for his bday! Maybe your daughter could teach him! lol!-
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We oldest daughter took lessons last year, but, we haven't gotten back into it yet this year. She is thinking she might like to take flute next. Music in a home is a wonderful thing!
I play piano and violin – a little bit. I only did lessons in my teens for about five or six years, so I didn't get very far. I want my daughters to learn one of those instruments (or guitar, as my husband has one but didn't really learn how to play it) because I love music and I think it's a great skill to have. I wish I could play better. Maybe when they start learning, I'll work on it more to be able to play with them… 🙂
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Love the pink guitar! My kids play the piano! My son tried the guitar but didn't want to continue. Wish he had.
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That's so lovely! No instruments yet in our house. I played the piano and flute growing up.
my son does like to rock out to his Elmo guitar. Does that count? 😛
I used to play the violin, but haven't for a very long time. I hope my daughter picks up an instrument!
That is so beautiful that her and your dad share that passion and can always have that connection with one another 🙂 I played piano and flute growing up and it was a big part of my life!
I used to play the piano and flute. I could probably still do some very basic piano now. I am hoping my kids will enjoy the arts as well as sports as they grow up.
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