NEW SpongeTowels Ultra Strong: A NEW Strong Man is Taking Over Canadian Grocery Shelves! Get Your Hands On a 365 Day Supply! #giveaway
NEW SpongeTowels Ultra-Strong.
Being a Mom means that I have cleaned up my fair share of spills and messes and I know that I have years more ahead of me. If you know me, you know that when it comes to paper towels, I can be a bit of a snob.
I need something that is going to work the first time, something that can withstand a large volume of liquid or a big mess. I also want something that I don’t need to use a ridiculous amount on because I do not like to waste.
So, in other words, that means that I am always on the hunt for something that is strong, durable and does the job! Enter the NEW SpongeTowels Ultra Strong!
They are said to be the ultimate in strength and absorbency and will help us Canadians tackle our toughest, real life messes and is now the strongest, most absorbent premium paper towel in the extensive SpongeTowels product line.
Durable and Absorbent.
The NEW SpongeTowels have what they call, Sponge Pockets— they are a unique, circular pattern that you’ll find on all SpongeTowels products. The SpongeTowels Ultra Strong are thicker, stronger, and more absorbent.
Now, I know that those Sponge Pockets work because I’ve used SpongeTowels before, they pick up all that excess fluid and variety of chunks that you find in most messes!
More About SpongeTowels:
Several years in the making, SpongeTowels Ultra Strong is the result of major, Canadian research and development to create the best combination of absorbency and strength. Canadian consumers are looking for premium product performance so they can use less to get the job done. The premium pack design maximizes shelf impact and is sure to attract consumers’ attention in store.
“SpongeTowels Ultra Strong works like cloth,” says Nancy Marcus, Corporate Vice President, Marketing, Kruger Products. “They are thicker, stronger and more absorbent to help you clean-up real-life household messes. Recent, unbranded research reveals Canadians prefer SpongeTowels Ultra Strong over the leading, competitive brand with purchase intent extremely high at more than 80%. This is due in large part to our exclusive Sponge Pockets patented technology that delivers added strength, thickness and absorption.”
Ultra Strong. Ultra Absorbent. NEW SpongeTowels Ultra Strong is now available in 2-roll and 6-roll formats in a Choose a Size® format that allows you to use as much or little as needed. The complete SpongeTowels product line is available in leading retail, grocery and drug store chains across Canada.
See It In Action!
You gotta love these SpongeTowel guys! I always joke around that I’d love to have a whole fleet of them with me at all times to soak up any messes along the way. But, in reality, they are kinda always there in my paper towel holder–ready to soak up whatever I throw their way. So trustworthy, loyal and there to lend a hand. Like I said, paper towel snob here and I love ones that work!
Ready to WIN?
One lucky Whispered Inspirations reader will WIN a YEAR SUPPLY of SpongeTowels Ultra Strong! That’s a whole lotta awesomeness to clean up a whole lotta messes! This contest opens on February 17th, 2015 and ends on March 4th, 2015. Open to Canada only!
Want to Know More?
Make sure you head over to SpongeTowel’s Facebook to see the latest updates! You can also visit and get information on their entire line, including the SpongeTowels Ultra Strong.
Who in your family is the culprit of messes?
Let me know, til then–cheers m’deres!
Nancy Polanco is a freelance journalist, lifestyle content creator, and editor of Whispered Inspirations. She is a proud Mom to Gabby and Michaela and partner and best friend to Darasak. Having worked as part of a health care team for almost a decade, Nancy is happy to be back to her passion. She is a contributor to the Huffington Post, TODAY’s Parents, and an Oprah Magazine Brand Ambassador.
My hubby is the messy culprit in our home ,he loves to cook but he also loves to make a mess lol
Toss up between my teen and my 5 year old!
Mostly me when I bake.
well, i think we are all equally as guilty of making messes – plus we have two dogs who are prone to make a mess as well!
One of my three cats is the culprit. He seems to vomit often enough so this would come in handy.
My son is always making messes and our dogs !!!
My husband makes the biggest messes, then my kids and dogs.
My kids tend to spill and leave big sticky messes that the new Sponge Towels Ultra would be ideal to help to clean up.
my dog is prone to making mess's all the time! 😛
my 5 year old nice is a messy one!
My twins sons are the culprits in my house.
I have a 4yr old…not to mention the dog….the cat….oh and I have a hubby too! Tons of messes everywhere!
My husband. Just this morning I had to clean up dirty water from where he overwatered his Tomato plant he has growing by the kitchen window.
My sister makes messes especially while cooking.
My husband and coffee spills
My youngest son – he spills pretty much everything
The dog is usually the culprit!
I am entering your giveaway.
It would be great to win a year supply of SpongeTowels Ultra Strong.
I am the messy culprit in my home.
Thank you for having this giveaway!!!!!!!!!!
My 10 year old is notoriously clumsy so he's our main culprit
honestly, it's me 🙂
I always make a mess when washing dishes as I get water on the floor so I need to clean up after myself
me, lol!
My partner but I think he'll be cleaning up his own messes!
my 2 kids!
We have three kids and the spills never end i can't wash our tea towels fast enough or keep paper towels enough!
That would have to be my youngest! He's always spilling, smearing and all round messy
I have been trying to cook and bake more lately so needless to say, I have been making a lot of mess in the kitchen. So now it's a tie between my dog and myself! Yikes.
It's a toss up…I'll say the dog ('cause he can't read)
Usually it's me.
I live alone so i guess i would be the culprit
I think we all make messes in our own way.
4 pets are the culprits – 2 cats & 2 dogs!
my kids by far make the biggest messes …even some messes still surprise me
My sister. I don't know how she does. If you can't find her, just follow the trail. lol
My Husband!!
Gonna have to say the culprit would be me 🙁
my cats!
I'm the biggest culprit of making messes in my home when I'm cooking.
It would be me.
My kitties are the culprits…always something being knocked over and….pee on the floor sometimes…eek!
It's definitely me! (Suzi)
My husband and tomato sauce
Often it's hubby with spaghetti sauce.
My cats make the biggest messes.
My partner is!
Blush ……… mostly myself … these days. 🙂 🙂 What a sweet giveaway 🙂
My dogs actually I think (barely) outmess my kids!
My three year old. She spills more than the other two put together.
I would have to say it would be me who is guilty of making messes. I love to cook and it always tastes fabulous but I am not neat in the least. These towels would come in very handy.
My husband makes the biggest mess!
my sister is when cooking
my husband is by far our messiest cook
My husband is our culprit.
My kids are definitely the mess makers in my home!
Well, I have 5 sons and a husband and 2 messy cats so I'm not sure… definitely my youngest 3 boys for sure though.
When I am baking in the Kitchen
My husband is the biggest culprit of spills.
I am
There are 4 adults in the household….and we are all culprits of being messy…..we go through a lot of paper towels in a run of a week…..
4 pets & a hubby 🙂
my little girl and our puppy
My oldest daughter makes many messes
My grandson can be a little mess maker when he eats
My grandson can be the messy one when he eats
It would be our two dogs who love the mud.
My 2 cats are the messiest
I am the one who makes the messes in my home
so it would be great to win these SpongeTowels.
My husband and he grabs what ever is the nearest
I am the worst mess maker. I am not a clean baker or cooker
My son. You name it, he spills it! Just last weekend he accidentally spilled half of his bottle of water into the computer keyboard. I'd love some Sponge Towels to the rescue!
Mostly me. I make a lot of messes. I spill a lot.
my son is a mess monster and my dog ir right behind him
My 3 year old son definitely makes the most messes
It`s a tie between my hubby and teen son!!!!!
My son and my dog are both equally messy. I love sponge towels! The only brand I buy! Thank you for the chance to win!
My 2 dogs, 3 boys, husband and myself!
My granddaughters
My husband like to let things boil over and make s messes.
My four kids and husband who forget sometimes about wiping their boots before coming in the house!
i tend to make spills the most sad to say
I have very messy Grandchildren between spill and dirty faces but with sponge towels its breeze
lol, my 3 cats. Hairballs are the worst 🙁 I woke up the other morning to a surprise from one of them in my slipper.
My partner is the culprit!
The other half makes all kinds of messes!!!
My 8 year old is so messy, drives me nuts.
Hubby and me, I suppose we can both be kinda messy !
My two Chihuahuas.
Our new puppy sure laves some messes and so do my kids! I sure could use these paper towels!
My husband and the dogs grrrrr, I actually think the hubby is worse than the dogs though, man child ugh!!
my oldest daughter
My husband and red wine spills
My adorable three year old.
Our pets make the most messes with their food.
We're all guilty of this.
My daughter is by far the messiest one in our house!
I said the hubby, last night he said "no it's the kids" lol!
my husband is BAD
My partner!
Today the mess maker is my Mom who dropped the salad on the floor lol
Today the mess has been made by a certain orange & white kitty who knocked over a cup of coffee!
that would be my son he never cleans up after himself
I feel like I am the culprit of messes and spills! I am always missing the cup or bowl! I am seriously the worlds clumsiest person sometime so a year supply would be perfect for my lifestyle!
I hate to admit it but it is me!
My Boyfriend's roommate makes a mess
I am the messy culprit in my home
and i use a lot of paper towels.
My youngest son makes a mess in the livingroom
Unfortunately that would be me. I love to cook and bake, but I am not the neatest one around. lol. Always lots of flour and stuff everywhere!
my sons and their friends…!
My fiance and my 2 blind cats are tied when it comes to making the most messed! And it's always me cleaning up!
I have a new puppy & she makes lots of messes
I would Love xXx to win a year's supply of Sponge Towels Ultra Strong because it's A TIE between my daughter spilling coffee everywhere she goes and my little grandson leaving sticky fingerprints all over the house.LOL Thanks for this great opportunity 🙂
I would love to win some new Spongetowels Ultra-Strong to help clean up the messes that would be a tie between my daughter spilling coffee everywhere she goes and my new little grandson leaving sticky finger prints on everything he touches.LOL Thank you for the opportunity 🙂
I'm also pretty messy. Mostly due to being clumsy. 🙁
my very independent 3 year old !!! I find surprise 'INEEDAPAPERTOWELNOW' incidences just about every day
My daughter. She's a creative, messy girl.
Our two year old makes the most messes.
my husband and a glass of water – last night was the third time in a week he has spilled his glass of water
There is always someone making a mess this morning its hubby wasting his coffee
I make my fair share of messes – but I put most of the blame on two furbabies who love to barf up hairballs on my nice beige carpet.
I probably hold that dubious distinction
We blame the dog a lot too.
my sister when she cooks lol
I would be the culprit! Always in a hurry so always making messes!
I am the messy culprit in my house and i use a lot of paper towels to clean up my messes.
Usually the pets make most of the messes in the house, 2 dogs & 2 cats will do that!
To be honest, it's me – I am a big clutz.
My partner is pretty messy!!
my hubby for sure
Mainly my sons are the mess makers!
I can make a mess mostly in the kitchen
My son is quite the culprit at spilling things, and my dog too, always wet feet trapsing across the floor.
It is a tie between the pets and the teens. Cannot keep up with either one's messes. It is a true fact our paper towel holder is always empty as a result of all of them.
My little girls make messes sometime.
My partner is the messy one in our house.
my husband and red wine – thankfully he has stopped drinking this
my niece is pretty messy sometimes
I'll have to clean up after myself.
my son would be the messy one
I am the guilty one this morning wasting my coffee at the breakfast table over the toast
We are a family of 5 with a cat and 2 dogs, we go through paper towels quickly
the kids hands down! messes in every room it seems!
I am the culprit in my home who makes the messes.
I need to win a years supply of SpongeTowels Ultra Strong.
Pets make the most of the messes that need to be cleaned up.
I make A LOT of the messes in our house lol and I can go a little paper towel crazy when cleaning it up.
Ummm -me! 🙂
My kidlets.
my daughter and then my dog are the two main culprits of a mess
My Youngest son can make quite the mess
My kids, especially when they are snacking on popcorn.
My better half seems to always miss his cup just a little when he is pouring his coffee.
My husband and his beer
I think both my partner and I contribute to messes.
That would usually be me.
It's me
I think we are all guilty of making messes
my son always makes a mess in the kitchen
My son is. Okay, hubby is as well!!
Today it seem to be me making all the messes, I have cleaned up several in the kitchen today. Good thing for paper towels!
My adventurous and curious kids!
My animals – two dogs, three cats, two chinchillas..they make the biggest messes
Yesterday my little nephew was the culprit!
I am the messy culprit in my home and i love SpongeTowels.
pointing at my husband
my dog and my daughter its a combo of both of them
My kids -especially when there is popcorn on the go.
I make a mess on the cooker top when I am making pasta sauce
My new puppy certainly is making the messes in our home!
My daughter. She's adorable and messy.
I think we all contribute but I think I clean the most!
Hubby seems to be the biggest mess maker here
I am the one that is always making messes in are house
little doubt that it is my husband
I'll have to admit, mostly me.
My toddler she can destroy a room in a moment
My husband is the messy culprit in our home.
I am the messy one.
kids are always spilling juice on the floor
I am the messy culprit in my home.
I need some SpongeTowels to help me clean up if i spill my coffee.
My son, I can always tell what hes been up to by the trail of messes left behind him. Thanks for the chance at this great giveaway.
Probably me 🙂
I have my 2 grown sons staying with me (temporarily) and they are both the Culprits to the biggest mess makers. I guess they figure Mom will clean it up lol, and thats where the Paper Towels come in handy…lots of them.
Our 2 girls
the baby
My 5 year old son!
Im pretty messy when im baking!
Sometimes it's my 2 little dogs who are guilty!
Four pets make lots of messes that need to be cleaned up!
My son makes the most messes that I have to clean up.
Miss Sophie is the mess maker but she's getting good at cleaning them up.
It is usually me who does the spilling in my house!
it's me – especially when i'm rushing to get out the door in the morning
My 5 yr old!
I have five year old twins, equally messy.
My cat, Peanut. She's always knocking over everyone's drinks.
That would be me at cooking oil on the cooker top
My three littles. They're cute and messy.
I think we all equally make lots of messes
that would most certainly be my husband
Definitely the pets make the most messes, especially the one cat with her hairballs!
my sister and niece
The biggest culprit is my two year old son although everyone contributes haha!
My kitty makes a mess sometimes too!
I think we all contribute to the mess!
I am the messy person in my home
and i use SpongeTowels to clean up my messes.
Definitely the kiddies
Our dog, Dexter, after a romp in the snow.
My dad and my cat
My youngest son makes a mess in the living room
my 3 cats keep me cleaning up messes alot!
The dogs are the guilty culprits
My son Adrian is the culprit who makes the most messes in the house.
It's me and lately I keep spilling/dripping coffee allover the place
My grandkids can make really big messes.
me and any cooking
My husband and youngest daughter make the most messes
Testosterone Tag Team – Husband/Son ! The messy duo – coffee spills, popcorn seeds/niblets on the carpet – gatorade spills…*Help* Spongetowels….
My hubby after working outside!
My darling little girls spill a lot. Sippy cups with lids are the order of the day.
last night it was my teenage son, spaghetti sauce everywhere
Usually that's me.
my son is the biggest mess maker
My two lovely daughters!
The little one always makes a mess when painting
The snow makes a big mess coming in my house!
If the truth be known we are all mess makers here
my husband
my daughter with her craft messes, use alot of paper towels!
my hubbie is a great but messy cook. i have 4 grandsons 5 and under. need i say more?
My daughter Brooklyn she thinks messes clean up themselves.
could totally use these. with kids and two large dogs i go through alot!
I am the messy person in my house.
It's easy to make a mess but it's even easier to clean it up with SpongeTowels.
My husband is the messy one!
Would love to win Sponge Towels. They do the job!
I make the most mess.
My pets are the mess makers!
my son is like a messy tornado
My poor little kitty Minnie! She has a sensitive tummy and, well, she leaves surprises for us to clean up.
I'm the culprit – I'll have to use the Sponge Towels to clean up after myself!
Everyone but me ! Nobody notices the little spills and messes they make…..
Two young boys would be thought to make the messes. But it's really my husband haha!
My doggie makes the most mess. I clean his paws when he comes in from outside.
I’m the culprit in my home!
My kids!
I am known to make quite a few messes myself especiually during visits from the grandkids.
Usually it's my 9 year old daughter, but my dogs sometimes have their accidents or drools, too!
between pets and kids, it's one continual clean up
My daughter is 21-months-old and is an enthusiastic, yet messy, eater.
my kids of course
My foster dogs, I would not survive without paper towels!
Uh,,, Hands down my husband is the culprit! I nicknamed him "Linus" – No matter where he goes, there is a trail of…something haha.
My hunny 🙂
my husband makes messes, but between the 3 animals there the worst for example if there sick,
Me and flour – I seem to get it everywhere
My husband is the messy one, can never seem to clean up after himself. Sponge Towels are great.
My Husband is a huge mess maker! Once I'm done my regular house cleaning I can tell everything and every room he's been in! I don't understand lol
mostly me
I would have to say one of the cats. She has a tendancy to want to spill over your cups and drinks lol. Thanks so much for the giveaway !
i use them for everything
My kids are the culprits always spilling food everywhere!
My middle daughter is a mess maker.
I think the biggest culprits are me and the dogs!!
My sister does all the cooking so I have to put the blame on her! But she is a good cook.
last night it was me, by dropping eggs 🙁
My cats, dog and 2 teenagers.
My husband is the messiest person in the house. I will have no trouble at all using a 365 day supply! lol!
My cat, Misty, makes the most mess in our house.
That would be me
I clean up after my own messes. Everyone can clean up their own!
My son tends to spill whole glasses of liquids quite often-but my family are all pretty messy-this would be a great win for us!
The boys are the messy one they never pickup any mess they make
my hubby is the messy culprit in our family, lol
The puppy is guilty of making a few messes
The winter makes a mess in my house too! All the salt gets dragged inside!
I often make a mess in my home by spilling something on the counter
and i need some SpongeTowels to clean it up.
My youngest son can be quite messy
sadly its me, im clumsy
My daughter is the messy one at our house.She leaves a trail of whatever she is drinking behind her wherever she goes.
My Hubby…
My roommate has really bad luck in the kitchen and makes a lot of spills. We also have a new puppy that is 12 weeks old and isn't yet potty trained!
We all are contributors!
my kids
me – multiple clean-ups a day
my doggie when he comes in from outside
Me when I am making the coffee and spill water and the coffee
My husband and his messy workboots!
My middle daughter is a messy child. 🙂
Definitely pet messes in our house!
Mostly me.
I sort of do when I get baking
the boys are always making a mess
We are both guilty.
Kids !!! especially the one called husband ……;) All ladies here know this is the messiest one ^_^
I can be the big mess maker when I cook
Me and my kitty make all the mess in my house!
I am the person who makes the messes in my house.
I don't make a lot of messes but when i do i use SpongeTowels.
the step grandkids when they come to visit!
I am very messy in the kitchen when cooking
My doggie cause he can't wait to get back into the house no matter what the weather is outside.
me – SpongeTowels are an absolute necessity!
Me and doing the washing up and spilling water all over the place
it's me, particularly when making lunch for the next day
Ah we are all culprits!
the boys are the messy ones in our house
me sometimes.
I am often the culprit
that would be my husband
Paper towels always come in handy with 4 pets and their messes!
I am the one who makes messes
so i need SpongeTowels because they work great to clean up spills.
My youngest can make a mess when he eats
My son is the culprit who makes the most mess in the home.
Not sure , I could blame the kids , dog or Hubby , but I am saying the kids !
We have a new puppy and wow, there are some messes!
I need these sponge towels when i am painting to wipe off the paint from the wrong surface
My hubby with his coffee spills…messy
I'll have to admit it's me.
We are all culprits sometimes!
no question about it – i'm the culprit
that would be my son, however he is an adult but he does make a lot of messes 🙁
Hubby makes the most mess.
the boys are always the messy ones in our home
My husband always leaves a mess in the kitchen.
my sister, my niece and myself… we are all quite messy
Definitely the pets make most of the messes, I just cleaned up the second hairball of the day 🙁
there is an anonymous person in the house – never seen – "I didn't do it".
I have spilled coffee twice in the last week!
My three year old is the culprit!
I am the messy culprit in my house
and SpongeTowels are very handy to clean up any mess.
lots of spills from kids
My hubby and boys.
I have used sponge towels to wipe up paint from my carpets
I made spaghetti last night and dropped a plate of it on the floor…sauce everywhere.
oh boy where to start my husband and 3 children are the biggest mess makers in my house
Our pug, Dexter and his wet feet!
That's me
We all contribute to the mess haha
When the grandkids come they are the mess makers
these would help my messy husband
Usually our four pets are the one's making the messes, spilled water dish, hairballs, knocked over glasses, dirty paws…and more!
my boys are always making a mess
there's only the two of us now, so it's still my son and he's 28!
everyone in this house is kind of messy sometimes
I made quite the mess this weekend
I am the messy culprit in my home
and i use SpongeTowels to clean up my messes.
It's the only brand of paper towels i buy.
My doggie loves going outside and then brings in dirt, so he lifts his paws to be cleaned.
my kitty has a sensitive tummy and we are always finding little presents throughout the house
My daughter seems to be a magnet for spills.
with both my husband and I in the kitchen at the same time there are always messes to clean up from the floor
I have a cat who insists on dragging his dish of cat food around the room I feed him in. She drips food on the floor and spreads certain dry cat food all over the place. Thank goodness for Sponge Towels to clean up her messes.
My middle daughter. She loves to make messes.
Fessing up, it's me.
well I hate having to say this but since my son has now gone on holiday, it's me!
That cat of ours makes a lot of messes!
My hubby was the mess maker this morning opening up the front door and all the snow fell in on the carpet….we has a nasty storm last night and still blowing and snowing today….kids are happy no school again today
that would be the husband
We are all guilty of making messes here!
All of us are when it comes to baking time
I am the messy culprit in my home.
I try not to make a mess but if i do
i am glad i have SpongeTowels to help me clean it up.
my niece made a pretty big mess tonight
my daughter who is learning to cook and bake..lots of messes!~
I am not the best cleaner, but I do make quite a mess in the kitchen
I use them when I have spilled milk on the kitchen floor
I think my partner and I are both a bit on the messy side.
i have 3 kids ..4 if you count my hubby ..and they are the biggest mess makers in my home
That would be me.
I am the messy culprit who makes the messes in my home.
SpongeTowels are great to help me clean up my mess.
My youngest daughter is our up and coming mess maker.
The mess culprit in this home is my 3 year old daughter who feels it's her right to be able to go into the fridge & pour herself a cup of juice or almond milk. Just yesterday I had to clean up a full 2 L of almond milk that she dropped while I was in the basement getting the laundry. It was everywhere, even under the fridge. HELP!
Four pets = lots of messes to clean up!
my 2 boys sure know how to make a mess!
Being honest I believe we are all mess makers in our home
my husband is the messy one
My son is still away, so it can only be me – I must admit there's nowhere as much mess as when he's home though 🙂
my 3 cats!
the boys are always spilling something in the kitchen
Either my toddler or my other half! Lol
All 4 of my kids, for sure!
I made a mess this morning 😛
Our dog's paws are responsible for a lot of floor mess these days.
my niece is pretty messy when she eats
My dad is the culprit in the house that makes the most messes. He has FXTAS which makes him shake like crazy, So holding a fork, bread, glass, cup is very difficult.
hahaha my daughter… never fails.
<—- I'm the culprit 🙁