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3 Cost-Effective Ways To Combat The Cold This Winter

A beautiful living room is shown, it's cozy with a fireplace and plenty of blankets and a rug. This article covers 3 cost-effective ways to combat the cold this winter.

3 Cost-Effective Ways To Combat The Cold This Winter

Summer is coming to a close, which is a horrible thing to say. We all love the summer months, filling our lives with sun and warmth.

Before you know it, everyone will be burrowing inside getting ready for the cold winter months. There is still some time to go, but this year it is more important than ever to prepare. 

Listen, we all know that energy prices are rising, causing lots of us to worry about winter.

This is usually when your bills go through the roof as you have your heating on for many hours. So, finding ways to combat the cold without turning your heating on full blast is essential.

Here are three relatively cost-effective ways to combat the cold this winter.

Get Some Winter Warmers

As much as you like to parade around the house in your underwear, it’s not a good idea to do this in the winter.

You should wrap yourself up in some winter warmers to keep yourself nice and toasty. If you dress appropriately, the need for your central heating will decrease. 

Two things I think everyone needs are some winter tops and thick socks.

Get things like Homespun knitwear tops as they are designed to keep you thermally insulated. As for the socks, pick some really thick ones that let you walk around the house without your feet getting cold.

If your feet are warm, the rest of you will usually feel warm too. 

Fill Your Rooms with Curtains and Rugs

Curtains and rugs both play key roles in keeping a home warm during the colder months. If you get some now, you’ll have them ready for when the temperature starts to drop.

Effectively, they insulate heat, which is a fancy way of saying they soak up all the heat and retain it. In turn, this means less heat will dissipate from a room, keeping it warmer. 

As a result, you should be able to turn your heating down, yet retain a lot of warmth in your rooms. If you have hardwood flooring – or any flooring that isn’t carpet – your rooms can be extremely cool.

This is super useful in the summer, but bad in the winter.

Rugs help to combat this really well, while curtains stop heat loss from the windows. 

Get Some Draft Excluders

Another way heat leaves rooms – and your home – is via drafts. Drafts occur when small gaps, usually around your doors.

They allow cold air to sneak in and hot air to exit. Draft excluders block these gaps and stop all of this from happening. 

Theoretically, this means hot air doesn’t leave your home – or specific rooms – and cold air doesn’t get in.

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Again, it lets you turn your heating on for less time (and on a lower setting) while retaining warmth. 

Preparing for the upcoming winter chill is really important if you want to tackle rising energy costs and save money.

The three ideas above will help you keep your home nice and warm without blowing your budget. If you start getting ready now, you will be primed when the temperatures drop.

Do you have any other ways to combat the cold this winter?

Let me know, til then—cheers m’deres!

The name Nancy is shown as a signature.


A beautiful living room is shown, it's cozy with a fireplace and plenty of blankets and a rug. This article covers 3 cost-effective ways to combat the cold this winter.

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