5 Fabulous Ways to Boost Your Body Confidence
Ways to Boost Your Body Confidence
Loving yourself can ultimately make you a whole lot happier. Sometimes though, it isn’t the easiest thing to do. After all, they say we are our own biggest and harshest critics. It is easy to give into inner negative self-talk. It is easy to stare in the mirror and analyze every single flaw.
When was the last time that you felt comfortable inside your own body? Today, yesterday, three or five years ago? Never?
Well, that needs to change now, because one of the best things that you can do for yourself is to love the person that you are!
Read on for a few tips that can help you live your best life and love yourself while doing it.
1. Wear Clothes that You Love
You may feel a little uncomfortable showing off your body at first, but you should always wear clothing that you love. After all, there is no need for you to dress in all black clothes that hang loosely on your body. Wear those bright colors, add a belt or sash, and show off the features that you were given.
2. Wear a Comfy Bra
Yes, bras are considered clothes, so they could be lumped into the item above. However, do you really think about your undergarments when you think about your clothing choices? Nope, we didn’t think so! You need to be as comfortable as you can be every day of the year in order to boost your body confidence. That is where a Knix comfy bra comes in. Put one of these on in the morning and you’ll find yourself ready to dance the night away later on! When you feel good, it shows!
3. Pay Attention to Others
When was the last time you really looked at the people around you? We can almost guarantee that you know more people that look just like you do than you realize. Those minus two dress size models are getting harder to find. Thankfully a lot of ladies and men have decided to be happy and healthy, instead of starving and stressed. If you are on the smaller side, don’t stress over that either! After all, you know your body and what it needs. That’s the beauty of it all, we come in different shapes and sizes.
4. Positivity
You can probably think of dozens of negative things to say about yourself, but what about positive things? You need to switch this around and only say positive things about yourself each and every day. And no, saying that you are positive that you are a terrible person does not count! Pick up a journal, grab a sheet of paper, even a sticky note, and start jotting down all the positive things about you. Scatter them around your house, post them on your desk, or put them on your bathroom mirror. Pretty soon, you will think these things without a second thought! Self-care matters!
5. Improve Your Body Language
This is not always going to be an easy step to accomplish but changing your body language will help you boost your confidence. Smile more, laugh more, stand up straight, and look other people in the eye. Show them the confidence that you may not be feeling at the time and eventually, your confidence levels and body language will be the same.
These are five ways that you can boost your body confidence, but they are not the only ones. If you have discovered one that has already worked for you, keep going.
If you are still searching for an answer, try any of these and see if they can help you become the confident person that you have been all along.
You’ll find there are plenty of ways to boost your confidence.
How do you boost your confidence?
Let me know, til then–cheers m’deres!

Nancy Polanco is a freelance journalist, lifestyle content creator, and editor of Whispered Inspirations. She is a proud Mom to Gabby and Michaela and partner and best friend to Darasak. Having worked as part of a health care team for almost a decade, Nancy is happy to be back to her passion. She is a contributor to the Huffington Post, TODAY’s Parents, and an Oprah Magazine Brand Ambassador.
Love yourself is so very important !
So important!
One way I boost my body confidence is to remember that many of my “flaws” are things that another person would love to have. For example, a woman with curly hair might wish she had my totally straight hair, the woman who thinks she’s too thin, might like to have some of my extra weight.
Yes, so true! You are right.