Bring the Magic of a Timeless Tale Home with Disney Beauty and the Beast Toys at Toys”R”Us!
Beauty and the Beast Toys at Toys”R”Us!
Disney’s Beauty and the Beast is a tale that is near and dear to my heart. We grew up during the golden age of Disney and the original movie was one of my favourite movies.
In fact, it still is. It’s embarrassing to admit that up to this day, my sister and I know every single word in that movie. When I found out that they were making a live-action film and releasing it in March, I was stoked.
My sister and our girls set a date because we were definitely going to watch it. In February, I had the chance to get a sneak peek of the new movie at #DisneySMMC and it got me even more excited to watch it with the girls.
Tale as Old as Time.
My absolute favourite moment in the movie is the ballroom scene. Seeing Belle’s gorgeous dress and watching them dance in that ballroom, for me, as an 8-year-old kid was magical. When I got married, “Beauty and the Beast,” the song Mrs. Potts sings in the ballroom, was our wedding song.
Having always been a bookworm myself, when Beast brings Belle to his library and tells her to close her eyes, draws the curtains and tells her to open her eyes and proceeds to tell her that it’s all hers. Well, that right there guys, is not only immensely sweet but, #bookgoals.
If you’re like me and loved the original, you’ll absolutely love the new release. Emma Watson brings a refreshing and empowering feel to Belle and it’s very close to the original. We thoroughly enjoyed it and there was laughter and believe me, there were tears too! If you haven’t had a chance to watch it yet, you have to go!
Let’s Play!
It is safe to say that the girls have caught Beauty and the Beast fever. It’s endearing to see my 7-year-old, who is only 1 year younger than I was when the original movie came out, love the movie as much as I did at her age. While both girls watched and loved the original, the live-action was certainly special to see.
Of course, after watching the movie in the theatre, she wanted to continue that magic. Luckily, you can find a wide array of Disney’s Beauty and the Beast toys at Toys”R”Us stores and online at They are the destination for all the hottest new toys from the movie. So, if you’re kids have caught BATB fever, you have a one-stop shop to go to.
Every little girl wants to be able to play make-believe at home with dolls and when they can get dolls that are their favourite characters, that’s even better. You can pick up Disney Beauty and the Beast Grand Romance, a set with Belle and the Beast.
This Grand Romance set features Belle in a removable dress inspired by her stunning ball gown and the Beast in his ballroom attire.
Girls, collectors, and fans of the timeless classic will love reliving their favourite moments from the live-action movie Beauty and the Beast or imagine their own magical stories!
Dress Up!
Mimi fell in love with Belle’s Ball Gown, she said that it was just like Belle’s. It is inspired by the movie and that magnificent moment where Belle descends the grand staircase into the Enchanted ballroom. It fits sizes 4-6x but, if you have an itty bitty thing, it will fit. Mimi is 7 but, it fit her just right and had to be pinned in a bit. Either way, for dress-up, it’s all about the fun any way!
Of course, every Princess needs her accessories, right?
Don’t worry, Toys”R”Us has that covered too! The Belle’s Dress Up Accessory set includes two feather hair combs with jewelled details, a pair of rose earrings and the iconic tree of life pendant necklace.
The earrings are clip-on, so you don’t have to worry about having pierced ears. Mimi loved getting her hair done, putting the combs in her hair and clipping on her earrings and adding the final touch of the necklace. She insisted on wearing her boots because she said they are her favourite and they look good. Who am I to stand in the way of fashion?
She’s is Tres Belle!
While they have the standard size Belle that resembles Emma Watson, they do have the traditional Belle in a larger size. Belle Blue Dress Doll w/ Horse is approximately 15 tall and has articulated arms and legs, can ride her horse, Philippe.
It reminds me of when she was singing atop a hillside that she wanted adventure in the great wide somewhere. Isn’t Phillipe so cute, too?
The other option is Belle Red Dress/Cape Doll, her dress is so pretty and you can even put on her hood. This outfit reminds me of when she is outside of the castle with the Beast and sings, “Something There.”
The one thing that I love about these dolls is their soft hair and those gorgeous and realistic eyes. They are not painted on and are so pretty!
Bring the Magic Home!
Now you know where to get all of these super cute toys and accessories! There are plenty more available too and you can check them out in this Toys”R”Us look book! I have my eye on the castle friends with Mrs. Potts, Chip, Plumette, Lumiere and Cogsworth of course!
If you want to get your hands on any of these toys, I have a code that will save you 15% off your total purchase on You can use it for any of these Disney Beauty and the Beast live action movie products or the ones in the look book!
Use the special code BATB10 at check out. It’s valid until April 30, 2017, so you have time to cash in on the savings!
Mimi will have endless hours of fun with her new Beauty and the Beast toys at Toys”R”Us. The best part is that she likes having adventures outdoors too. There really is an adventure in the great wide out there.
Visit Toys”R”Us for all your Beauty and the Beast goodies and connect with Toys”R”Us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram for their latest updates and to see what’s new!
Which toy or accessory do you think your Prince or Princess would like?
Let me know, til then–cheers m’deres!

Nancy Polanco is a freelance journalist, lifestyle content creator, and editor of Whispered Inspirations. She is a proud Mom to Gabby and Michaela and partner and best friend to Darasak. Having worked as part of a health care team for almost a decade, Nancy is happy to be back to her passion. She is a contributor to the Huffington Post, TODAY’s Parents, and an Oprah Magazine Brand Ambassador.
Those are so super cute! I love all of these, but that dress is the best. I miss playing dress up with my kids.
Dress up is so fun, I am going to miss it.
These are great. Toys-R-Us has some of the best toys out there. I could get lost looking at some of their toys.
They really do have an awesome selection.
I loved thee original Beauty but haven’t seen the live action movie. My daughter is a bit past the princess stage but I’m not so I have to find a niece to get those figures for.
Hehe, that sounds perfect. 🙂
What a true beauty your little one is! These toys look like so much fun and great quality – saw them at the Disney store not too long ago!
Thanks so much! They are really well made. Toys”R”Us has a great selection. 🙂
My girls would love this dress. It would be so fun for dress up. They did an amazing job with the dolls.They will make a great Easter gift.
Yes, they totally would!
Those dolls are very beautiful. My girls would love to have any of them. I love the yellow dress too. I would love to get my girls one of those dresses.
They are pretty cute!
Your daughter is so adorable. I love how you did her hair, and that dress looks so cute with those short boots!
We went to see Beauty and the Beast the weekend the movie came out. My twins actually saw it twice that first weekend. Once with us, and then in 3D with some friends.
Belle has always been one of my top favorite princesses. I love how Emma Watson portrayed Belle, and Dan Stevens made a great Beast. Josh Gad as LeFou was hysterical.
OMG I loved LeFou, it was a great movie. She loved dressing up, for sure!
Very cute post. My wife always says if we had a daughter we would be broke from all the dresses and cute stuff
Hahah, that is SO the truth!
Beauty and the Beast is my oldest daughter’s favorite Disney movie, which is saying a lot since she was born so many years after it was released. She also loved the live action version! I’m sure we’ll be making a stop to get more Bellarina (what she’s been calling Belle since she was two) items for her collection.
My daughters love the original too. 🙂
I think these toys are too cute to take out of the package. I’m a packaging snob. If its too cute I don’t want to destroy it! lol
Haha, I feel that way too but, for the girls–they need to play!
I am such a big fan of the movie. I wish I had a daughter to dress her like that. But for sure I will be sending some of the toys to my niece. Those toys are adorable
The toys are awesome!
What an awesome way to bring the fun of the movie home and cherish that excitement. I would have killed for a Belle dress like that when I was young!
OH MY GOD. Me too!
Not only are the toys adorable, these pictures are fantastic! Your girls are beautiful.
Thanks so much, it was fun!
Mimi looks like a princess! I hope ya’ll take her to Disney World in that. I don’t have a daughter, but if I did, we would purchase her some of these items.
Definitely will, she would love it.
What lovely photos! The Beast figurine looks very realistic! Toys keep getting cooler and cooler!
Hehe, I know! Much different than the Beast doll I had growing up.
What a beautiful dress. The twins’ favorite princess is Belle. They will fall in love with this ball gown for sure.
It is great for Halloween and dress-up!
Wow! This is really amazing! I love it. Even I’m not a kid anymore, I would love to have it all. Lol!
Hehe, I am right with you. It is fun!
Lovely post the photo’s are amazing!
Awww, thank-you m’dere!
This is so precious! She is quite the princess!
Thanks so much!
I saw Beauty and the Beast and loved it!! I love that a whole new generation of kids is getting to enjoy it even more now!!
I know, it is awesome to see.
Love it! Still on Beauty and the Beast fever! Im thinking to have the toy for my niece for her birthday
That is awesome!
I always enjoyed playing dressup when I was little. My daughter loved it too. My niece would love these toys.
They are so much fun!
These look like great toys and your daughter looks adorable in the dress. I haven’t seen the movie yet and still need to do that!
Yes, you totally have to see it!
Soooo cute that she’s dressed up as Beauty! I only remember a brief synopsis of Beauty and the Beast but she looks adorbs!
Thanks so much!
Mimi is so adorable. I don’t have a princess, only a prince. 🙂 But I do have a little niece who would love all of those because she is a big fan of Belle.
They are fun for everyone I think! 🙂
Oh how adorable this is. Your princess is so beautiful, what a fun set of pictures.
Thanks so much, it was a lot of fun to do!
Very cute toys for sure. My daughter is give and loves to play dress up. She might enjoy these.
They are awesome!
You have reminded me that we have not seen this movie yet! We must go see it soon. These toys are so cute, I wish my daughter still liked to play with these types of toys.
It is such a great movie!
Such pretty pictures of beauty and Beast products. I enjoyed them.