It’s a Cross Country Fun Hunt Party with Jordan Francis! #FunHuntParty
It’s a Cross Country Fun Hunt Party!
Thanks to CBC and Cross Country Fun Hunt, this morning my daughter and her friends were able to meet and greet with Jordan Francis (most popular in Camp Rock) who now hosts Cross Country Fun Hunt on CBC on Saturday mornings.
It’s a show about Jordan’s trips all over Canada and you can go to the Fun Hunt interactive page and sign up for a Passport and enter your location on the map.
You can also watch out for key words during the show and be entered to win tickets to the Fun Hunt concert featuring Jordan Francis and Victoria Duffield and other prizes.
It’s a Hang-Out!
Jordan Francis was super cool, he shouted out all the kids across the country that were in attendance, he asked questions, answered questions, had a dance party and even sang the kids a song. He called them by their names which I think the kids were so happy and excited about.
I was even told that he signed T-Shirts for my girls and they’re stoked for that!
He was so personable and Gabs had so much fun, her friends showed up a little late for the party but, got to see Jordan and say hi. Gabby invited him to come to Windsor, asked him if Demi Lovato was fun to work with and if he likes singing or dancing better.
She also told him about Point Pelee, the most-southern part of Ontario is right here in Windsor-Essex and that it is a fun place to visit! Make sure to let your kids add their location to the Fun Hunt map for a chance that Jordan will come and visit YOUR hometown!
Time to Party!
CBC and Cross Country Fun Hunt sent an amazing kit for us to enjoy fully equipped with Pop Chips, juices, balloons, noise makers, pins and T-Shirts! Even a Demi Lovato CD that Gabs literally shrieked when she saw!
The girls watched the show after the chat and loved it! We decided to end the party with some pizza and cupcakes for lunch! So, a big thank-you for allowing us to be a part of a party that was literally across Canada!
It was a party indeed!
Do your kids know what makes their town unique?
What is a must-see in your neck of the woods?
Let me know, til then–cheers m’deres!

Nancy Polanco is a freelance journalist, lifestyle content creator, and editor of Whispered Inspirations. She is a proud Mom to Gabby and Michaela and partner and best friend to Darasak. Having worked as part of a health care team for almost a decade, Nancy is happy to be back to her passion. She is a contributor to the Huffington Post, TODAY’s Parents, and an Oprah Magazine Brand Ambassador.
My DDs would be all over this. Hmmm well we are in teh capital of Canada so that in itself is unique 🙂
My recent post Glowing Mason Jar Jack O Lantern Craft
So cool! What a neat event! Wow! Your DD is growing up so quickly too! I remember when I first started following your blog, you were still preggo with DD2!
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Too cool! This sounds like it would have been a really fun event!
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what an awesome event to participate in! Glad your girls had fun and the cupcakes look great!