Happy 2nd Birthday Jelly Bean

Happy 2nd Birthday Jelly Bean
Ahh, my Bean.
Today marks the day that we welcomed our fiery little Michaela into the world!
At 2:10 today, 2 years ago, she made her way into our lives, and it was one of the best days of our lives!
Ever since then, it’s been an amazing and energetic journey! This little one has a mind of her own, and seeing her smile every single day makes me so grateful that I am here to celebrate each day with her.
She definitely has a little personality of her own, she knows what she likes, and she will let you know that.
She’s speaking in both English and Spanish and forming phrases, she still signs for some things while saying the word, it makes me smile.
Mimi is a proud owner of an iPad, she is on it more than I am. She shocks and amazes people because she is able to open and close her apps and move from one to the other with ease.
She’s also a big YouTube fan and is usually the one she goes to first. Her favorites, of course, are Sesame Street, Cars, and Megamind clips.
Always under supervision, of course.
She’s an iToddler. It’s amazing how technology can teach your child so much.
When she’s not being a techie like her mama, she’s running around, jumping off the couch, rolling around, and playing with a box of toys.
I’m right behind her!
She loves to dance and sing, her favorite is Bruno Mars—especially on Sesame Street.
She and Gabriella sure love to get into trouble (not really) but, they love playing and getting rowdy. Mimi tries to keep up with her caring and responsible sister, Gabs.
She doesn’t back down and is her little shadow.
It makes me so happy because that is exactly how my sister and I were and it’s a blessing to say that their personalities are like hers and I.
Kinda eerie at how similar they both are to my sister and me.
Just makes me smile and wince at what’s to come!
So Blessed
Well, this year has been tough but, my two girls and Hubs have been my reason to get better and I’m super happy to be celebrating 2 years with my Little Bean!
We are going to have a BBQ and frozen yogurt dessert bar and maybe a cupcake for my little one. Something similar to last year’s, though not so big!
The organic recipe is definitely a hit with the girls.
Parties are usually big ’round these parts but, we are keeping small and intimate with Mimi this year again. These small birthdays sure don’t last forever, and I want to relish in them while I can!

Happy Birthday, Mimi
Thank-you for making our lives so exciting, teaching us new things and enriching our lives along with Gabs. Life is perfect with you and your sister in it, and we can’t wait to see you grow and learn.
Mom & Dad

Nancy Polanco is a freelance journalist, lifestyle content creator, and editor of Whispered Inspirations. She is a proud Mom to Gabby and Michaela and partner and best friend to Darasak. Having worked as part of a health care team for almost a decade, Nancy is happy to be back to her passion. She is a contributor to the Huffington Post, TODAY’s Parents, and an Oprah Magazine Brand Ambassador.
she's a doll, they grow up so fast, two is like the end of the 'baby stage'
WAAAAY too fast. Make it stop!
Happy Birthday! Soo adorable. I love having small family parties better than the big 10+ kids..
Thanks beautiful, I do too. I think they fly by so quick. These years, I want to bask in them.
At two my little one is also still signing alongside her words, and it makes me smile. Your bean is so adorable. That smile, I could just eat her up. Happy birthday to Michaela! Hope you both had an awesome day.
I love it, I think it's so cute when she does it! Thanks so much Deanna, she's growing too fast.
The are adorable! I love seeing new pics of the girls! Happy birthday Mimi!
Thanks love! 🙂
she is so sweet!!! Happy Birthday!
Thanks so much AnnMarie! 🙂
So sweet! I left you a Happy Birthday to your little one and a Happy Birth Day to you message on another social media platform, but forgot to leave one here! Time flies! Can't believe she's another year older! She is so sweet! Enjoy! xo
Wow,your girls are adorable! The years fly by too fast.
Soooo fast!