Kinder Canada: Celebrating Being Unique and Going Crazy for Pink! #KinderMom
Celebrating Uniqueness.
I’ll start off with my littlest, I’ve been blessed with two amazing little girls and both are completely different and unique in their own way. Mimi is 3 years-old and is a spunky, energetic and confident little girl. She loves to sing, she loves to dance and she has an affinity to navigate and use an iPad like an adult.
Loves Pink.
Mimi is a girly girl but, just like her momma she has a bit of tomboy in there. She is a Kinder Egg aficionado and when the pink eggs came out she was stoked but, that goes to say she loves her cars, trains and trucks as much as she loves her dolls and kitchen.
What makes Mimi unique is her curiosity and her ability to make that curiosity turn into self-discovery and creative play. She’s an intelligent little Bean and through her wittiness and humor, I cannot wait to see how she flourishes. Not to mention, she is feisty and a protector while her older sister is the kind and gentle one.
Gabs is my angel, both of my girls are and I can say that this little girl saved my life. She made me a mother and she has taught me so much in the 9 years she has blessed me with her existence.
What can I say about this little girl?
She has a contagious laugh, she has the ability to make you feel like a hundred bucks on your lowest days and she genuinely and truly cares about you. She never fails to help when she is needed and is a great big sister to her little sister and a great role model.
Get Your Groove On.
Gabby is a great dancer, she’s athletic and she loves to sing and play the guitar. Most of all, she loves to write her own stories and books and loves to draw pictures and paint. In the video above, you can see her breaking it down and having a good time dancing while playing Wii.
Confidence and Embracing Being Unique.
Another thing that I love seeing is both of my girls making and building friendships. Embracing their own qualities and strengths and accepting those of others. I love seeing her and how she is with others because it’s then when you realize how you’ve raised them and how much they really reflect it.
Crazy for Pink!
Kinder has an awesome new collection, the Pink Collection! There’s lots of cool new toys that you and your little ones will love, even the big kids! The girls’ favorites have been the jewel bracelets and the fuzzy flocked “puppies”! You can check out the entire collection when you visit Kinder, here.
Enter to WIN!
Right now, Kinder Canada wants to know what sets your child apart and what makes them special. You just let them know and you’ll be entered to win 1 of 3 prize packs! Be sure to let them before June 19th, 2013 as it closes then!
[animated_button align=”center” animation=”pulse” color=”orange” size=”medium” text=”ENTER NOW” url=”″]
What makes your child unique and have you entered yet?
Let me know, til then–cheers m’deres!

Nancy Polanco is a freelance journalist, lifestyle content creator, and editor of Whispered Inspirations. She is a proud Mom to Gabby and Michaela and partner and best friend to Darasak. Having worked as part of a health care team for almost a decade, Nancy is happy to be back to her passion. She is a contributor to the Huffington Post, TODAY’s Parents, and an Oprah Magazine Brand Ambassador.
My child is definitely unique. His little personality just shines through when he is outdoors making up crazy little games to play!
Both are very beautiful girls. You are blessed!
Wow, this is such a great post! You have some BEAUTIFUL Girls! I think my girls are so unique in their own way but a few things I can say about them is they are protective, kind and very girlish….lol Great post!
Your daughters a beautiful-great post–thanks for sharing I love seeing other kids in posts with big smiles like them–makes me happy
Your girls are gorgeous and it is so nice that they each have their own personality and uniqueness. I have 1 son and 1 daughter and they are both very much their own person, however in many ways, they have very similar qualities.
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Your girls are adorable! I have two boys and what makes them unique (bot probably not so unique to boys) is their endless energy!
Omg they are getting BIG! Gorgeous little ladies! I’ve got three little ones ( girl, boy, girl) and oh have I some funny unique stories to share haha! It’s amazing how bright their little personalities shine through so young 🙂 love it!
What adorable pics of your girls! I have two sets of twins but I can definitely see the differences in all of them that make each child so unique and special!