Netflix Canada: Watch These Great Made in Canada Shows & Embrace Canadiana, Eh? #StreamTeam
Made In Canada Shows.
On Netflix?
Yes, please! I don’t know about you but, all month-long I have been celebrating our great country. With patio dinners, summer evening walks, days at the beach and binge-watching shows on Netflix that were either filmed in, take place in or created in Canada. If you’re wondering, we even enjoyed maple candies while we watched because, well, they’re amazing and Hubby is obsessed. So, yes, we are very much Canadian, eh?
Fun Titles!
- Are You Afraid of the Dark?
- Johnny Test
- Black Hole High
- Alpha and Omega
- Goosebumps
- Erky Perky
- Eliot Kid
- Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days
Gabby has blossomed into a thriving bookworm and she’s been enjoying a lot of spooky tales. She reminds me so much of myself at that age and the one thing we have in common is loving the Goosebumps books. I decided that it was time to share the shows with her. She was over the moon to watch Goosebumps and I introduced her to another awesome show, Are You Afraid of The Dark?
One thing we discovered is that Canadians sure know how to tell a spooky tale. We watched all of the seasons and we loved them. I remember watching them as a kid and I was so happy that Gabby was able to enjoy these shows and she got a kick out of knowing I watched them as a kid too. Through haunted masks, ghosts and monsters–we survived!
Titles for The Littles.
- Caillou
- Franny’s Feet
- The Busy World of Richard Scarry
- Super Why!
- Animal Mechanicals
- Monster Math Squad
- Team Umizoomi
- Thomas and the Magic Railroad
Mimi loves Netflix, I’m so happy that there are tons of fun and educational shows to choose from. When we were teaching her the ABC’s, Super Why was an excellent show that helped her remember and retain everything we taught her. Other titles we enjoyed watching this month were Franny’s Feet, I love that it teaches kids different occupations and their associations. Since Mimi is on a Thomas kick, we watched and enjoyed Thomas and the Magic Railroad too.
So, apart from our delicious poutine and our incessant use of the word “eh“, I think us Canadians have a pretty good sense of humor too and it shows with a lot of these titles.
Have you watched any of these and did you like them?
Let me know, til then–cheers m’deres!

Nancy Polanco is a freelance journalist, lifestyle content creator, and editor of Whispered Inspirations. She is a proud Mom to Gabby and Michaela and partner and best friend to Darasak. Having worked as part of a health care team for almost a decade, Nancy is happy to be back to her passion. She is a contributor to the Huffington Post, TODAY’s Parents, and an Oprah Magazine Brand Ambassador.
Thomas and the magic railroad was an absolute favorite of my son's when it first cam out waaaay back. I'm hoping my little girl might like it as well in time. For now, she's really enjoying Team Umi Zoomi.
I loved Are You Afraid of the Dark! I'll be on the lookout for these shows the next time I'm on Netflix.
My little guys love Super Why I have yet to join the Netflix craze