Everything You Need to Know if You Are Prepping or Planning for a Family! #ChurchAndDwight
Planning For a Family.
Whether you’re considering becoming a parent for the first time or having a second (or third), it’s an experience that can be both exciting and scary at the same time.
How long will it take to get pregnant? Should I start tracking my cycle? How do I care for a newborn? Will I ever fit into those skinny jeans again? These are all good questions and while I don’t have all of the answers because there is not rule book in parenting. Here are a few questions and answers to get you started and on the right track.
How can I keep track of my cycle?
Simple! Pick up a First Response® Digital Ovulation Test, which predicts your most fertile days based on your personal LH surge. Remember that the best time to start tracking your cycle is before you start trying to conceive. Your two most fertile days begin with the LH surge and you are most likely to get pregnant if you have intercourse within 24-36 hours after you detect your personal LH surge.
Don’t panic if you’ve never heard of your LH surge before! I didn’t know what it was either. If you’re curious, visit firstresponse.com for more info.
I think I may be pregnant. Now what?
Anxious to find out if you’re pregnant? The First Response™ Early Result Pregnancy Test can tell you if you’re pregnant up to six days before your missed period. If you’re interested in sharing the news with friends and family, how you share it is up to you!
Who will take care of me during my pregnancy?
It’s important to determine if you would like a doctor or midwife (or someone else) to care for you during your pregnancy. There are many different options. Pick the person who you feel most comfortable with and don’t let friends or family sway your decision.
What should I pack in my hospital bag?
There are lots of great suggestions for the must-have hospital bag items. I suggest starting your research on Pinterest. Pick a list that feels right to you and start shopping/collecting the items. You’ll want to have the bag packed and ready to go well before your bundle of joy is set to arrive. Here’s some essential things you can pack.
How else can I prepare?
The most important tip is to enjoy the experience and make sure to take time for yourself! Unwind after a busy day with a good book and a cup of tea. Plan a weekend getaway and sneak away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Curl up on the couch and watch your favourite movie. These are just a few suggestions.
Before you know it, you’ll be holding your little one in your arms. Nine months went by quickly and being prepared is essential, especially as you tackle sleepless nights and dozens of diaper changes! I suggest stocking up on the essentials – diapers, baby clothes, blankets and bottles are a must.
Don’t forget to also stock the medicine cabinet with diaper cream and something to help with colic, such as OVOL™ Drops, which is a simple, alcohol-free solution that can be added to a bottle or used on its own. It helps relieve discomfort caused by trapped gas, making it easier for babies to pass gas and burp at feeding time. Don’t forget to ask your doctor first to find out if this product is right for your new baby!
Oh and those skinny jeans… they’ll fit, eventually!
Are you a first-time mom?
Do you have a story about trying to conceive?
Let me know, til then–cheers m’deres!

Nancy Polanco is a freelance journalist, lifestyle content creator, and editor of Whispered Inspirations. She is a proud Mom to Gabby and Michaela and partner and best friend to Darasak. Having worked as part of a health care team for almost a decade, Nancy is happy to be back to her passion. She is a contributor to the Huffington Post, TODAY’s Parents, and an Oprah Magazine Brand Ambassador.
We were very fortunate and conceived 3 times pretty quickly. The first time I remember calling my dr saying why did I miss my period and I was prego.
Wow, that is amazing!
Family planning has really come along way. It is great they have all of this for parents to be
It really is!
First response is for sure my go to. I won’t use anything else, with having 2 back to back miscarriages it was the only thing I relied on after that when expecting #7 when I got cheap “positives” I ran out to get a first response!
It is what I have used in the past too. I trust First Response.
Good tips and info. I will be passing it on.
Awesome, thanks!
I am so lucky that I had no trouble getting pregnant. Glad there is help for women who struggle.
That is a great thing!
It took us a long time to get pregnant and we have a wonderful child that I cherish every day. We do not have everything that you mentioned here as far as the ovulation test. I wish we had something like that back then it would’ve been very nice.
It is a great tool to have!
First Response is a brand that I trust. I had issues when trying to get pregnant with my second.
I trust First Response, used it for both of my pregnancies.
When we were trying to get pregnant with our son I wasn’t ovulating since I went off of birth control. I wish I would have used an ovulation test.
I am glad it is an option.
This is great! It is so hard to really be prepped for anything- but this truly has TTC covered!
Under general circumstances, I think you are good with these. But, you are right!
Colic is the worst! If you’re planning for a family, you better plan to deal with colic. They ALL get it.
So very true.
I never had an issue with fertility, but I would think that tracking ovulation would be an excellent way to increase the chances of conception.
Very true!
I love that they have such smart pregnancy tests these days. The ones around when I had my kids were so basic!
Hehe, times how they change!
My best friend JUST told me she and her husband are TTC and this would be perfect for her. I am totally passing this on to her.
SO happy to hear it will help.
This is very informative especially since we have decide to expand our family a little larger than 4!
Glad it helps!
I am all too familiar with these products since my daughter is now pregnant. She used First Response – in fact, I wouldn’t believe that she was pregnant until she did! She had used another brand and I just didn’t trust it. lol
Hehe, I love First Response. Same here, I used it for both!
This is a great post and very helpful! I will definitely share this to my friends planning for a family.
Awesome, thanks for sharing.