Ddrops Review!
Vitamin D is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle and most of us are deficient and aren’t even aware of it.
The deficiency of this powerhouse vitamin has been linked to many ailments such as chronic illnesses, cardiovascular disease, common cancers, infectious and autoimmune diseases. The importance and the function of Vitamin D has many benefits and it aids the body to repair and maintain itself.
Simply put.
When there is a deficiency it lowers your immune system, leaving your body vulnerble to sicknesses and diseases.
It is often associated with bone development and maintenance. It helps your body absorb calcium better thus improving your bone density. Studies show that Vitamin D helps prevent osteoporosis and muscle strength is improved when there is a sufficient level present in your body. When the level increases it has been shown that it can help against Rheumatoid arthritis, heart attacks, Parkinson’s Disease, MS and even depression to name a few. For a full list of Vitamin D’s benefits, go here.
As a mother of two who is always on the go, the health of my children is abosultely priority #1. As soon as I had my youngest daughter Michaela, I immediately went out and purchased Vitamin D. Simply because there isn’t enough Vitamin D naturally present in breastmilk and supplementing with Vitamin D is essential, in my opinion, especially when baby doesn’t get enough sun in the first few months.
Let me tell you (I’m sure most of you moms already know), it was extremely difficult to get a newborn to take down a full dropper of this stuff without her spitting it up. Lo and behold, I went back to the store and discovered BabyDdrops and they were an absolute godsend. Just one drop, yes, ONE drop has 400 IU and just one drop does the trick. I could either mix it into her food or place a drop on the tip of my nipple and she’s had her recommended intake of Vitamin D. She is still breastfeeding but is in the process of weaning, she hasn’t taken to cow’s milk so I am still supplementing with the Baby Ddrops. Vitamin D supplementation during infancy will help in the prevention of juvenile diabetes and MS, that’s why I’m adamant in choosing to supplement.
I cannot express enough how convenient and amazing it is.
When Ddrops so graciously asked me to review all of their products I was more than happy to try them and share with you guys! I recieved the Kids Ddrops and the adult Ddrops. I also went out and purchased more BabyDdrops courtesy of Ddrops to test out. They came in this trendy little tote bag along with an informational and super cute Dora and Diego growth chart. (If you go to Baby Ddrops FB Page and leave a comment or question about Vitamin D or Ddrops products you can get one for FREE too!)
My eldest daughter Gabriella is a picky eater. She takes after her mom it seems! So, I find myself trying out so many different ways to sneak in the essential vitamins to supplement her nutrition. I initiate Project V (ways to sneak in veggies) and I give her an Omega-3 supplement and she is a big fan of milk products. Which is a bonus for calcium and Vitamin D but, getting the recommended daily value to aid in calcium absorption is where the necessity lies.
But, did you know that growing girls need to get as much calcium as they can before the age of 9? According to my pediatrician, the most important bone building years for girls are from age 9-18 but, girls that age tend to intake less calcium and Vitamin D. Recent studies show that over 70% of kids and adolescents are deficient in Vitamin D, ultimately leaving them vulnerable to disease.
So, after discovering this and under the advice of my pediatrician, I choose to supplement Gabriella’s diet with Vitamin D. I always recommend you speak to your physician before making any changes to your or your chiildren’s diet or health practices.
Well, as soon as Gabriella saw the package she immediately said, “Aww, Mom can I try it??”
I didn’t argue!
Little does she know that I’ve been sneaking it in her meals this whole time! One little drop inside one of the raspberries (pictured above) and she’s good to go for the day. So, I’m fully content that she is getting her Vitamin D intake and it’s so easy, I just drop it on her food and it’s done!
I have been taking adult Ddrops and adding it to my protein shakes. I feel more energized and I’m happy I can get my Vitamin D in so easily. As much as I like the sun, I don’t think I’m under it long enough to get the daily recommended value of 1000 IU’s and my diet isn’t overly loaded with calcium products.
So, do you need any more reasons for getting in your Vitamin D?
It’s the sunshine vitamin in just one drop!
Well, Ddrops has generously provided me with Ddrops, Baby Ddrops and Kids Ddrops for 3 lucky readers!
Buy It!
You can purchase Ddrops products in most health stores and pharmacies. Big retailers like Shoppers, Rexall, Wal-Mart and Zellers carry them. You can also buy it online through Well.ca to name an example. Here is an full list of merchants. The price varies and can be $17.99 or lower and believe me, it is totally worth it for it’s convenience.
Get Social with Ddrops!
- Like Baby Ddrops on Facebook.
- Visit Ddrops site and tell me which product you want to try.
Til the next time,
Cheers m’deres!

Nancy Polanco is a freelance journalist, lifestyle content creator, and editor of Whispered Inspirations. She is a proud Mom to Gabby and Michaela and partner and best friend to Darasak. Having worked as part of a health care team for almost a decade, Nancy is happy to be back to her passion. She is a contributor to the Huffington Post, TODAY’s Parents, and an Oprah Magazine Brand Ambassador.
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