
3 Tips For Turning Your Garden Into A Hang-Out Zone

A woman and man sit in a garden and enjoy time together. Their pup sits next to them. This article covers tips on turning your garden into a hang-out zone.

Turn Your Garden Into A Hang-Out Zone

If your garden isn’t quite the place to be this summer, ripping out the weeds, cutting back the bushes, and setting up a hang-out zone is the way to convert it.

After all, the more you design the garden to suit you, the less maintenance you have to put into it – that’s good news for the heat that’s coming your way! So, check out the list below and try out these three ideas to make your garden a fun and comfortable place to catch the sun and relax.

Don’t Skimp on Illumination

If you’re going to be spending more time outside, don’t let the sun dictate whether you can see your way around!

If you want to create a reliable hang out zone in your garden, you’re going to need to light it up, nice and bright, without being overwhelming or intrusive. 

To do this, invest in plenty of outdoor fairy lights and string them up around any edging that’s present in your garden already.

If need be, you can also wrap them around bushes and trees that line the pathway through your garden, especially if this tends to be the darkest part of the yard after dusk. 

Build an Outdoor Fireplace

An outdoor fireplace acts as a great focal point within a hang-out zone. It gives people something to sit around, something to roast a few marshmallows on, and you can share a drink with your nearest and dearest as the flames keep you warm. 

If you’d like an outdoor fireplace and/or pit, start by designating an area for it then get in touch with a stone masonry company, who can fit and place the bricks and stones for you. Make sure your pit’s size fits the space you’re putting it in, and leave plenty of room around it. 

Of course, you might not want to light the fire during the warm summer nights we’re about to experience, but you can use it all year round as a gathering spot. For the other 9 months, when there’s a chill in the evening air. 

Position Plenty of Comfortable Seating

Hanging out isn’t just busting a move to some pleasant music! It’s about sitting around and having a laugh with your loved ones, or having a comfortable reading nook to dive into a book with.

As such, make sure you’ve positioned plenty of seating round the garden. 

Try to ensure the seating faces each other, so it’s easy to talk to anyone you’ve invited over. You can then place a more secluded and private bench somewhere else in the garden, to use when you need a bit of time to yourself. 

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Your garden can become a fun hang out zone when you make it a more functional place to be. Cut back some plants to make some space, make sure there’s a focal point to gather around, and don’t be afraid to get cozy amongst the plants and trees!

Do you have any other tips on turning your garden into a hang-out zone?

Let me know, til then—cheers m’deres!

The name Nancy is shown as a signature.


A woman and man sit in a garden and enjoy time together. Their pup sits next to them. This article covers tips on turning your garden into a hang-out zone.

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