Top 3 Places in the World to See Flowers in the Spring! #travel
Top 3 Places in the World to See Flowers.
Spring is all about new starts and the birth of the future; part of this is witnessing the beauty of flowers growing and blooming into bursts of colour. Flowers bring with them that sense of happiness and hope that is so much associated with spring itself. It does not matter whether flowers are blooming in a field, or decorating your home, they are a beautiful and special addition to the world.
You can get your own bouquet of flowers, to help you celebrate spring, from online florists like Flowers for Everyone. Of course, you may also want to take a look at some flowers as they grow. There are plenty of places to visit in the world, where flowers are one of the main attractions.
Keukenhof Gardens in the Netherlands
The Netherlands is known as the home of beautiful flowers and Keukenhof Gardens is famous throughout the world for its jaw dropping splendour. Keukenhof is home to more than seven million tulip bulbs that bloom in the spring; around eight hundred varieties of tulip are represented. It’s not just the bulbs that are amazing but the well-designed gardens themselves. Visitors can also check out an impressive selection of events, including several flower shows.
Monet’s Garden in France
Monet’s garden in Giverny is open from spring until the start of winter each year. The garden actually comprises two gardens. The first is the Clos Normand which is situated in front of the house. When Monet and his family first started living in the house in 1883 the garden was an orchard but Monet changed all that. He turned the garden into a place filled with a myriad of different colours and perspectives. Today, people can still see the floral beauty that Monet first created. They can also see the beauty of the second garden, a Japanese inspired water garden which is situated across the road from the house.
Umbria in Italy
Umbria is a very traditional region of Italy. It does not border any other country, nor does it border the sea, so it remains very much entrenched in the traditions of Italy. It’s the type of place where you almost feel as though you are stepping back in time. A major part of the beauty of the region is its meadows full of wild flowers that surround the neighbouring hills. This is not an area of flowers that has been created by man it’s an area that is almost entirely the work of Mother Nature and it’s incredible.
These are just three of the popular places in the world that are known for their association with flowers. A visit to any one of them provides a feast for the eyes. Of course, you do not have to travel to a foreign country, or even leave your home, to experience the beauty of flowers. A bouquet is something that everyone can enjoy, as a means of providing a splash of decoration to their home. This makes buying flowers an excellent way of welcoming spring and embracing its sense of joy.
Do you enjoy seeing flowers?
Let me know, til then–cheers m’deres!

Nancy Polanco is a freelance journalist, lifestyle content creator, and editor of Whispered Inspirations. She is a proud Mom to Gabby and Michaela and partner and best friend to Darasak. Having worked as part of a health care team for almost a decade, Nancy is happy to be back to her passion. She is a contributor to the Huffington Post, TODAY’s Parents, and an Oprah Magazine Brand Ambassador.
Wow over 7000 Tulips blooms it must be beautiful
Can you imagine?
I so love flowers!! I would love to visit all these place especially the Netherlands 🙂
They are beautiful. 🙂
I love flowers I’d love to go to all these places.
I know, right?
I love Flowers they are so beautiful and its amazing just watching them grow would love to visit all the places and take in the view
These all sound amazing, when I was in the Netherlands I remember seeing all the beautiful flower kiosks
So beautiful!
I get excited when a few bloom in my garden !!!
Me too!