6 Top Reasons to Go Back to School
Top Reasons to Go Back to School
Many of us spend most of our compulsory school days looking forward to leaving education and being allowed to get on with our lives. Even those of us that enjoy school look forward to leaving behind the subjects we find less favourable to move on to studying subjects that we do enjoy. Ones that will set us up for the career that we have been working towards.
Previous generations often left school, keen to start work and start earning money, only to regret leaving too soon later on when they couldn’t get the job that they wanted, or when they wanted a career change in later life. But, things have changed. Education no longer stops when you leave school. Whether you go on to university or not, you can always head back to school in later life, even after a lengthy break.
But, why should you? Education can be costly. It can mean that you lose income as you take time out to study. It can be stressful and harm your relationships and your work life. Well, going back to school, however old you are can be massively beneficial. Let’s take a look at some of the reasons that you might want to consider a return to school.
1. For Career Progression
With the right determination and commitment, most of us that are in good health can get a job. But that doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s the job that you want. Even if you start out enjoying your job, you might find that things soon stall. After the excitement of the early days, where there is lots to learn and people to meet, your career could draw to a halt.
Progression could be limited.
This often leads to people becoming bored and throwing the towel in. Which can turn into many years of job hopping, never settling to anything, never earning well and never being truly happy in a job. No one wants that!
Learning, by taking courses through work or going back to school to study something like an online MBA management can be a better choice. Going back to school can help your career to progress and give it a push in the right direction.
2. To Keep You Up to Date
Even if your career is going well, and you are happy at work, you could start to find that your knowledge becomes outdated. You’ll have vast experience and on the job knowledge. Though newer, younger employees fresh out of school will have a greater understanding of new methods and ways to work.
Going back to school can make sure that your knowledge is always up to date, and you always know everything that you need to, to do your job well. This can improve your job security, as well as opening up the doors for career advancement.
3. To Stimulate Your Mind
Work prospects aren’t the only reasons to go back to school. Do you ever feel as though you are just going through the motions of your life? Most of us at some point get stuck into a routine. We get up, we go to work, we do the same job as every other day. Then we go home, we have one of five meals, and we go to bed at around the same time. Routine can be great, but it can also be boring, and you could find yourself growing resentful with little to think about.
Going back to school, even to study a short part-time course at your local library, or a free online course that focuses on one of your hobbies can help to break your routine. It can stimulate your mind, give you something new to think about and improve your mental health. Studying could even help you to relax, sleep and make new friends. It has vast benefits for your personal life, and people that are open to learning tend to be happier and healthier and can even live longer. I’m down with that!
4. To Facilitate a Career Change
In years gone by, people started a job straight out of school and stuck with it until retirement. They might have gained promotions or moved to different companies, but they stuck with the same industry and career path for their whole working life.
This is no longer the case. While some people still work this way, many don’t. Returning to education means that we’re not tied to jobs that make us unhappy. We’re free to try new things, even after a long and successful career.
Alternatively, going back to school can help you to start up on your own. You might find that you know about your industry, but have no idea about running your own business, or doing your own accounts. Going back to school can give you the chance to start your own business on the right foot with a great chance of success from the very beginning.
5. To Improve Your Confidence
Our confidence is so precious. When you are feeling confident, things seem to come to you easily. You do well at work, your relationships are in good shape, and things just seem to go your way. You’re happy in your own skin, you walk with your head held high, and a smile on your face and other people respond to it.
When your confidence is low, it can feel the opposite. Nothing goes your way, everything is hard, and it’s all too easy to blame yourself. Over time, poor confidence can start to affect your mental health, and your work and relationships can suffer.
Going back to school can be a fantastic way to boost your confidence. It can give you something to think about and focus on. Feeling yourself get better at something, and having results to measure your achievements can be an incredible confidence boost.
6. To Set a Good Example
If you’ve got kids, or hope to one day, going back to school can set them an excellent example. If they see you study, they’ll be happier to do the same. It’s an easy way to be a positive role model for your family.
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If you’re like me, you love to learn. I make it a point to learn something new every single day and if I have a chance to take a course, I jump at it. So, if you’re feeling like you are wondering what’s next, perhaps taking a course or going back to school is your next step!
Have you ever thought of going back to school?
Let me know, til then–cheers m’deres!

Nancy Polanco is a freelance journalist, lifestyle content creator, and editor of Whispered Inspirations. She is a proud Mom to Gabby and Michaela and partner and best friend to Darasak. Having worked as part of a health care team for almost a decade, Nancy is happy to be back to her passion. She is a contributor to the Huffington Post, TODAY’s Parents, and an Oprah Magazine Brand Ambassador.