10 Resolutions That You Can Actually Keep for a Healthy 2017!
To make sure the products in this post are right for you, always read and follow the label. Thanks to Bayer for sponsoring this post.
Resolutions That You Can Actually Keep.
Making resolutions can be a daunting task. Especially if you plan to make a substantial change. That is why often times, resolutions are rarely kept.
So, how can you make 2017 the year you stick to your new year’s resolution? How about rather than a massive overhaul to your routine, you commit to small changes instead? By making realistic resolutions you will be making a positive contribution to your overall health and well-being.
But – let’s be real. You may not be feeling your best after the busy holiday season. Since it is January, your first focus can be on recovering from your “holiday hangover”. Some common complaints this time of year have simple solutions to help get yourself over the initial hurdles and on the path to a healthy 2017.
Clear Up the Congestion
This time of year, I feel like I am more congested. Sometimes it is because of the dry heat and while the holidays are all about catching up with a lot of friends and family, it can sometimes mean catching a cold. You’re left with a stuffy nose and congestion.
Once the congestion hits, I use hydraSense®. It can help get rid of nasal congestion so you can breathe better and feel free to start that new exercise routine – or just enjoy your day. There really isn’t anything harder than trying to work or work out with a stuffy nose. I am fully stocked up on this and use it for not only myself but my kids too. It helps to keep your nose moisturized too!
Get Back to Regular
Holiday eating is fun and delicious. It’s a time where you get to indulge on treats and savory meals. But the food is not usually comprised of a well-balanced high-fibre and can lead to issues like constipation. We often forget to eat fruits and veggies! For effective relief of occasional constipation, without bloating, cramping, or gas, you may consider RestoraLAX®. Maintaining a well-balanced high fibre diet and keeping well hydrated may help promote regularity.
Take Those Vitamins
It’s not easy to get your family to eat right all the time. We’re so busy these days that it can be hard to make sure you’re ticking all the key nutrient boxes. Once daily vitamins are a simple way to give your whole family’s nutrition a boost. One-A-Day® can help kick-start your healthy year by providing vitamins to help maintain good health. Get your kids into a daily routine too with FLINTSTONES™ to help provide the nutritional support they need when they may not be getting all their dietary needs from food alone.
Make Small Changes
It’s hard to overhaul your diet completely and all at once. It makes it harder to change because the goal is not to diet but, to change your lifestyle. Start by making small changes, drink more water, eat more fruits and veggies, limit your consumption of processed foods and move more. Small changes will make big changes over time!
Keep a Journal
If you are planning to make a change in your nutrition this year, make sure you get a journal to write down what you eat. Write down what you eat, your goals and you’ll see it makes achieving them a bit easier. If not, it gives you a bit of accountability too!
Find a Buddy
Getting healthier is much more fun when you have someone to do it with. Whether it is a spouse or a friend, not only can they encourage you to reach your goals and you them but, you can hold each other accountable. Plus, you can have a whole lotta fun getting fit!
Limit Screen Time
Sometimes while we are busy recording and documenting our lives online, we forget to actually live in the moment. Go for a walk or hike in nature, leave the phone behind. Build up a reading list and snuggle up to a good book. These are just a couple ideas but, having a hobby that gets you back to living in the moment can make a positive change in your life.
Take Time for Yourself and Meditate
Adding 5-10 minutes of meditation to your daily routine can help you feel more refreshed and balanced. Choosing to take this time for yourself may actually free up time in your schedule; studies show that meditating can actually help the brain process information faster.
Get More Sleep
Catching more Zzz’s is beneficial in so many ways. Your body needs sleep to recover from exercise and to help keep your heart, muscles and joints in good health. Plus, you will feel more energized every single day and be more
Power Down an Hour Before Bed Time
The light that emanates from your phone, computer or TV can actually activate the brain and make it more difficult to fall asleep. Swap nightly screen time for a magazine or book to help your body prepare for sleep. This simple choice can help you feel much more refreshed in the mornings. If you find yourself tossing and turning after a half hour, you should get up and grab a book to read until you get sleepy.
[Tweet “See these resolutions that you can actually keep & make 2017 the best year yet! #tips”]Making changes that you can actually follow through with makes all the difference when it comes to health. My goal this year is to put myself first for once in my life and take care of myself so I can take care of others.
Are you making a change this New Year?
Let me know, til then–cheers m’deres!
Note: To make sure these products are right for you, always read and follow the label. Thanks to Bayer for sponsoring this post.

Nancy Polanco is a freelance journalist, lifestyle content creator, and editor of Whispered Inspirations. She is a proud Mom to Gabby and Michaela and partner and best friend to Darasak. Having worked as part of a health care team for almost a decade, Nancy is happy to be back to her passion. She is a contributor to the Huffington Post, TODAY’s Parents, and an Oprah Magazine Brand Ambassador.
You are so right. I can do all of your suggestions and stick with it no problems. Love this idea.
These are all resolutions that are doable and I love the idea of taking baby steps. Finding a buddy to work out with always helps me.
Yes, me too!
The two core tips here are small changes and keeping a journal. Small changes keep you from getting frustrated, and a journal keeps you accountable! I LOVE it!
Thanks! 🙂 Hope these tips help. Simple but we often forget.
These are all great resolutions that you can keep in the new year. It is important to have a realistic resolution that you know you can keep. I know this year I am going to get more sleep and have that hour down time before bed. Thanks for sharing these awesome realistic resolutions
My pleasure, here is to 2017.
Yes! It is such a great idea to start small so that you do not set yourself up for failure. Great tips!
You are very right!
This past year I have heard a lot about meditation and think I will give it a go this year, I also need to concentrate more on looking after myself. These are some good suggestions and easy to follow, its all about getting into a routine
I have been working on putting some time aside for myself and believe in making resolutions actionable goals so you know exactly what you will accomplish.
You are so right!
You are so right!
I used to take one a day vitamins. I have to give that a try again. This year, I really want to keep my promise on staying healthy.
That is always a great place to start!
You can do it!
These are all great resolutions but what I need to do the most is get more sleep.
We can all use more sleep!
I would like to try the Muskol Bug Spray and the Aerius Allergy Meds.
You should definitely try it!