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Nurturing is Universal.

A woman hold her pregnant belly with love against fall foliage.

Nurturing is Universal. 

Being a mother is the best job I have ever had and ever will have.

That being said, I believe that you don’t stop being a mother until the day you leave this earth. The job is 24 hours a day and you don’t get holidays off. It’s working through illness and stumbling through the graveyard shift. Don’t forget, the early bird gets the worm too, right?

It’s a tough job but is something that is irreplaceable.

So throughout the journey, against trials and tribulations, through hit and miss, we learn valuable lessons on parenting and arrive at a conclusion on what we view is the most optimal choices for our families and children.

No matter what language, race, creed or color a woman is, there is one thing that is universal. We have a universal yearning to be nurturers. The need to be protectors and we all authentically and genuinely want only the BEST for our kids.

Before I became a mother, I learned that knowledge is power. That didn’t change when I made the conscious decision to be a mom. I sought out any material on what I thought would be best for my baby. Down to breastfeeding, Vitamin D supplementation, organic foods, making my own baby food and greener options towards living a greener life.

Magazine articles, books, classes. There are many choices.

But, who better to trust than another mom who is taking the same path or who has traveled on it not once, but many times?

As much as we love our brands and trust them, we trust mothers with their opinions a little more because we know they don’t just want to sell, they generally want to inform people of the benefits or dangers of products.

We moms stick together.

There have been plenty of times that I have changed my mind about a product because of the passionate and informative opinions of other moms. The marketing and corporate sector have taken heed of the immense effect the word of mouth (that of mommy bloggers) have on mothers and caregivers.

With good reason.

Their opinions matter.

Google is a great tool for veterans, beginners and the curious. From how to take care of a teething baby, a fever– right down to diapering options, beauty tips or support for any health-related issue.

Information is power.

From being a constant gatherer of knowledge, I have the passion to contribute and share with other moms who are looking to be informed on green options, breastfeeding and basically any parenting experience that I have learned along my journey. (Always reminding to seek professional advice if they are unsure.)

Mom bloggers have taken a responsibility, to be honest, maintain the integrity and provide precise information for other mothers to reap the benefit for their families.

This is how and why mommy bloggers have made and will continue to make a positive and reinforcing impact on the opinions of what products other Canadians will choose for the emotional and physical health of their families.


Note: This article was inspired and published as an entry for the Ddrops Company Blissdom Contest. You can find me on Twitter at @WhispersInspire and on Facebook at Whispered Inspirations. You can also find me over at the Canadian Moms Online Community where I am a moderator for this wonderful community.


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  1. Hi Nancy,

    Thank you so much for entering the Ddrops Bliss contest. This is a wonderful article, one that resonates with me very much as a Mom who searches the web for other Mom advice all the time !!!

    As somebody who has worked in pharma / healthcare marketing throughout my career, I commend you for reminding Moms to discuss their issues with their physicians as well. I often find that by reading Mom posts about a certain health topic, it helps me to create an appropriate list of questions to discuss with my children's pediatrician.

    Good luck with the contest,

    Natalie (on behalf of the Ddrops team)

    1. Thank you very much Natalie! For the opportunity as well! That is exactly true, I've searched online during late nights and we moms have a sixth sense. If something doesn't sit right, we have those questions ready for our doctors. Mom bloggers have a plethora of experience but we aren't necessarily qualified to give medical advice nor should we if we could. LOL. But, I've learned a lot through the experiences of other moms and I am more than happy to share what I've learned through them and myself through my journey through parenthood. Thank-you, a group of us girls are planning to go to Blissdom too, will we be meeting you there?

  2. Hello Nancy

    Don't forget about us Dads! 🙂

    My wife and I were like you. When we found out my wife was pregnant with our first, we couldn't do enough research on stuff; breastfeeding, greener lifestyle, organic foods, making baby foods and the list goes on.

    The one thing I've learned; it doesn't matter how many books you've read, how much research you've done, how baby proof you think your life is…the baby/toddler/kid always finds loopholes in what you have planned.

    You're right about mommy bloggers. My wife joined many mom communities for support and to reach out to them with questions about products to lactation. The mommy bloggers/community is great.

    Wonderful post, Nancy!

    1. Of course! Can't forget daddy's! You are very right, there is no handbook on kids and how to raise them. You learn along the way and they do always find a loophole! They teach you new things every single day! I've found the greatest people here in the blogosphere and on online communities. Such support and different opinions and beliefs. I'm open to them all and I love the diversity you can find.

      Thanks Kevin! It's for a contest but, I mean every single word! 😛

  3. I hope you are in the top 4 :D. I vote for Whispered Inspirations! I am leaving my Vote for Nancy!! Can’t forget daddy’s!

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