Boost Your Travel Budget with These Money-Saving Tips
Boost Your Travel Budget with These Money-Saving Tips
I’m a firm believer that everyone should travel more. To experience different cultures and get away from the normality of the 9-5. If you’re going to head to the other side of the world, or want to explore somewhere new in your own country, you’re going to need to budget to somehow comfortably finance your adventures.
The cost of travelling is what puts many travelling dreams on hold. But believe it or not, you don’t need to cash in all your investments at once in order to boost your travel fund. If you are looking for more information on investments and investment pieces check out Golden Eagle Coins.
Read on to find 5 money-saving tips that will hopefully boost your adventure fund.
Cancel that Gym Membership
We all join the gym with the best of intentions – usually early January. However, come mid-March, we’ve probably gotten bogged down with life. Our gym membership simply becomes an expensive debit in our account every month.
Well, if this sounds like your situation, then now is the time to cancel it. Put that money straight into your adventure fund instead. If you do make the most of your membership and hit the gym regularly, then consider cancelling for a couple of months in the run-up to your trip. Some gyms allow you to put the membership on hold or don’t have contracts.
There are free alternatives to exercise whether that’s lifting weights at home, following workouts on YouTube or going for a jog around the park. You can always join up again when you come home!
Kick the Coffee Habit
Regular coffee shop visitor? Whether its first thing in the morning, every morning or brunch with friends every Saturday, it’s safe to say that the majority of us have an expensive coffee habit.
Even spending as little as $5 every day on coffee quickly adds up as the weeks go by. So, try brewing coffee at home to take to work instead and put your coffee money into your travel fund.
Stay Home
There’s nothing better than letting your hair down with friends after a busy week. You deserve it! But going out is expensive. Taxis, food, drinks, entry to clubs not to mention new outfits etc.
Take a few weeks off the night scene and enjoy some nights in at home instead. Invite your friends over, cook a meal together, and watch a film. It’s cheaper and you can stay in your PJs all night!
Sell, Sell, Sell
When was the last time you wore that dress? Or those shoes? That bag definitely hasn’t seen the light of day for a couple of years. If your wardrobe looks more like a shrine to days gone by then consider selling whatever you no longer use on eBay or through social media. Put whatever you make into your savings account.
No More Take Out
No one deserves that take out more than you after the day you’ve had. But, $30 a week or even daily on take-out takes a huge chunk out of your money pot. Try to kick the habit for a few weeks and see how much you save!
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Now you’re armed with these tips, you’ll be sitting on a beach or exploring the cobblestone streets of somewhere beutiful.
How do you save for a vacation?
Let me know, til then–cheers m’deres!

Nancy Polanco is a freelance journalist, lifestyle content creator, and editor of Whispered Inspirations. She is a proud Mom to Gabby and Michaela and partner and best friend to Darasak. Having worked as part of a health care team for almost a decade, Nancy is happy to be back to her passion. She is a contributor to the Huffington Post, TODAY’s Parents, and an Oprah Magazine Brand Ambassador.