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College Degree Myths: Does it Really Matter?

A woman walks away and towards a school building, she has a gown on one shoulder and a grad cap in one hand. Her back faces us. This article covers College Degree Myths.

College Degree Myths: Does it Really Matter?

Having a college degree used to be the ultimate ticket to stable, well-paying jobs. But in an age where you can learn how to make a degree certificate for free, you may be wondering if it’s still worth your time and money to pursue one.

The truth is that while a college degree can help you get ahead, it’s not the be-all, end-all that it once was.

There are plenty of jobs out there for people without degrees. Many employers are more interested in your skills and experience. Rather than whether or not you have a piece of paper from a university.

In fact, here are some college degree myths to give you peace of mind in case you’re questioning whether or not you should bother with higher education:

MYTH: You need a college degree to get a good job

This used to be true, but not anymore. The job landscape has evolved to the point where employers now understand that people can be skilled without going to college.

There are now countless jobs out there that won’t even ask you where you went to school, as long as you can prove that you’re good at what you do.

Here are some:

  • Social media expert
  • Web developer
  • Digital marketer
  • App developer
  • Data analyst
  • Graphic designer

You can even land positions in “traditional” industries like healthcare and finance without having stepped foot in a lecture hall.

For example, you can become a registered nurse by completing an accredited nursing program, and many banks are now hiring people with experience in customer service for teller positions. Even getting a Certificate IV Information Technology (Networking) online can help you land a job.

MYTH: A college degree is worth going into debt for

Sadly, debt is a part of the college experience for many people. It’s simply too expensive to get an education.

Many people end up taking out massive loans that they’ll be paying off for years (if not decades) to come.

Even sadder is that there are tons of college graduates who regret going into debt for their education.

In fact, a recent study found that nearly 70% of college graduates regret taking out student loans, and more than half of them say they would have been better off financially if they hadn’t gone to college at all.

So if you’re considering taking out loans to pay for college, make sure you’re doing it for the right reasons.

Consider if the degree you’re pursuing is something that will actually help you get ahead in life, or if you could achieve the same goals without going into debt.

MYTH: Being a college dropout will make you unemployable

Many students realize that college isn’t for them after a semester or two and decide to drop out. This used to be a death sentence when it came to finding a job, but that’s no longer the case.

Skills are now the top factor for most employers.

So instead of forcing yourself to stay in school and rack up more debt, consider whether you could learn the skills you need elsewhere.

For example, if you’re interested in web design, there are plenty of online courses and resources that can teach you everything you need to know.

And if you want to be a developer, there are boot camps that will get you up to speed in a fraction of the time (and cost) of getting a degree.

MYTH: Certifications are worth less than college degrees

Full, four-year college degrees used to be seen as more valuable than professional certifications. But in recent years, the tides have turned.

Employers are now seeing the value in certifications versus generalized education.

The reason for this is that while degrees can show that you have a certain level of knowledge, they don’t always show that you have the skills to do the job.

Certifications, on the other hand, are focused on teaching you the specific skills that you need to excel in a role.

So if you’re trying to decide between getting a degree or getting certified in a certain area, consider which one will actually help you get the job you want.

In many cases, the certification will be more valuable (and less expensive).

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The bottom line is that there are many misconceptions about what it takes to be successful in today’s workforce.

College degrees are no longer the exclusive path when it comes to getting a good job.

In some cases, wasting time and money on a college degree may even hold you back from the career you actually want to pursue.

So if you’re not sure college is right for you, don’t let anyone convince you otherwise.

There are plenty of other options out there, and they can even be better for your career and personal well-being in the long run.

Do you know any other college degree myths?

– Jennifer


A woman walks away and towards a school building, she has a gown on one shoulder and a grad cap in one hand. Her back faces us. This article covers College Degree Myths.

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