Creepy, Crawly Creations
Creepy, Crawly Creations!
Halloween is a great time to bust out your creative side.
Holidays are big for me or I should say more so for my chillums, I go ALL out for them. Last time I got all handy and creative for a Halloween costume for myself was yearsssss ago (last year I was really preggo and took the easy route, you’ll see later on in this post) and I think that it turned out pretty cool. During my adult stint with Halloween, I’ve always preferred to be a powerful character, classy and confident. Not trashy nor hoochie or something that comes equipped with hooker heels. Nothing against it, it’s just not my style.
So, what was my coolest costume?
Not only the Ms. Lara Croft from one of my favorite video games. Tomb Raider. One that I played religiously might I add. I made the costume myself, my dad is pretty crafty with leather work and he made my gun sheathes. The rest I hand-made and used second-hand materials from a thrift store. Along with my own clothes and boots. I think I even won the cash prize for best costume that year.
What do you all think?
Now another way I like to let my inner Picasso loose is through baking. With every holiday and season come different designs and appropriate colors. It’s actually one of my favorite things to do. I love sharing them too, so Hubby’s work gets them pretty often. LOL. Here’s a few pictures of my creations, they were yummy too!
Now last year, I was about 7 months preggo and I was REALLY pregnant.
Gabby wanted me to dress up so I thought I’d do something really easy. I bought a witch hat from the dollar store, threw on a few layers underneath a shaggy black cocktail dress I had hanging in my closet. It was stretchy and worked wonders for my bump! LOL. I added a gold belt I had lying around and wore black tights and striped “witchy” looking leg warmers. I put on some pretty crazy wicked makeup and off we went. It was very inexpensive, green and Gabs had a laugh! She went as Super Girl and Hubby as Clark Kent, with the “S” on his chest underneath his business gear. It was a lot of fun! I donated the hat to Value Village on my last donation run, so hopefully someone else is putting use to it!
This is how it turned out:
How do you let your creative side loose during the holidays? Do you prefer to make your own costumes, swap or just purchase them? I can’t wait to see what everyone else has in their posts! I’m going to check them out right now!
Til then, cheers m’deres!
And… Happy Halloween!

Nancy Polanco is a freelance journalist, lifestyle content creator, and editor of Whispered Inspirations. She is a proud Mom to Gabby and Michaela and partner and best friend to Darasak. Having worked as part of a health care team for almost a decade, Nancy is happy to be back to her passion. She is a contributor to the Huffington Post, TODAY’s Parents, and an Oprah Magazine Brand Ambassador.
You really do go all out. The makeup is wild and the "goodies" are melting in my mouth as I write. Very scrumptious. Halloween brings happy memories to me since, until I was 23, I dressed up and my maternal grandparents took me out. Pop-Pop's gone but the memories live on. I look and act very young and I was always a very polite trick-or-treater saying "Please" and "Thank you". The neighborhood was so confusing, it never failed that we would accidentally (truly) go to the same house twice. People never minded back then. Thanks for all the inspiration. Feeling both creative and nostalgic!
Why thank-you Donna, I love baking cakes and cupcakes! The best part is sharing them too… The thing about holidays is that they are so nostalgic, I have so many good memories and I want to do the same for my little girls!
I'm sorry that your pops-pops is gone but he'll be in your memories forever. Wow! That's hilarious, same house twice! I think my siblings and I used to do that too, accidentally of course! It's dark and the houses look the same!
No problem, thank-you for coming by and I'm glad it sparked both those feelings for you, you've sparked some in me as well!
Awesome job!! You totally rock Halloween!!
Thank-you Diane! It's one of the best holidays, though it comes a close second. Christmas takes the first!
For us, Halloween is first and Thanksgiving is second. Have my reasons, though. You are so creative!
LOL, Thanksgiving is great too! But, I think the one I have the most fun is Halloween! Dressing up is tons of fun!!
Happy Halloween. I've got a big day planned myself on Halloween. We decorate the garage, play scary music and friends dress up really scary. The neighborhood kids wait to see what we'll do next year.
Stop over and say hi.
Hi Carol! Wow, that sounds pretty cool! I think as the kids get older I'd like to do more stuff like that. I'll always remember houses like that back when I was a kid. I'm sure your neighborhood kids will have memories forever. Happy Halloween! I'll head over to your place!
Those cupcakes? Awesome-sauce! I made Oreo cheesecake for our party and made them look like dirt and I stuck gummy worms in them. They were a hit!
We always go way out for Halloween. I love it!
Omg Nancy these cupcakes are just perfect !