Embrace Your Natural Belleza Latina with ZYRTEC: Carmen Ordoñez Gives You Tips to Never Skip a Beat! #ALLERGYFACE

Embrace Your Natural Belleza Latina with ZYRTEC.
You may remember me writing about ALLERGYFACE in the beginning of summer and with summer nearly over, I can’t say that all symptoms have decipitated just yet.
In fact, this very morning, I put on my favorite hat, put some shades on and walked out the front door to run my errands. My nose was red and stuffy and my eyes were watery and I think I sneezed 20 times already.
Did you know that according to a recent survey by the makers of ZYRTEC®, nearly half of women suffering from ALLERGY FACE™ missed out on something like a party or a date because of their allergy-related beauty challenges?
How to Combat a Puffy Face:
Drink plenty of water each day to help keep your skin hydrated.
How to Combat a Puffy Face: Also, to reduce the appearance of a puffy face, rub an ice cube over your face before applying your makeup.
How to Reduce the Appearance of Watery Eyes: Apply navy blue or cobalt mascara to help the whites of your eyes appear brighter.
Less is more! Don’t overdo it with too much makeup.
Ditch That ALLERGYFACE Disguise!
Like aforementioned, I grab a hat and shades when I am feeling really down and out but, normally I will reach for eyeliner and mascara and hope for the best. Thanks to Carmen, a fellow latina, I’ve discovered there’s much more I can do to feel confident and really ditch my disguises!
Eyes: Use an eyelash curler before applying mascara to help “wake up” your ALLERGY FACE™. Using a curler will make your eyes look wide open, so you look fresh and awake.
Nose: If your nose is irritated and dry, avoid putting on foundation, which can look caked on. Instead apply a rich moisturizer and let it dry.
Face: To help reduce the appearance of ALLERGY FACE™, place a cold, damp cloth on your face for 10 minutes.
Break Out!
And free yourself from allergies and how they affect you. Myself, I love to place cucumbers on my eyes and just relax and forget my ALLERGYFACE and embrace my natural belleza latina. So, follow Carmen’s tips, take time for you and enjoy the warm weather!
Get Connected.
Be sure to follow Carmen on Twitter at @VivaFashion and check out her blog www.VivaFashionBlog.com for her latest ALLERGY FACE™ tips and tricks and make sure you go to ZYRTEC to get all the latest updates! You can also watch her videos en Español, here.
What Beauty Tips do you use to fight your ALLERGYFACE?
Let me know, til then–cheers m’deres!

Nancy Polanco is a freelance journalist, lifestyle content creator, and editor of Whispered Inspirations. She is a proud Mom to Gabby and Michaela and partner and best friend to Darasak. Having worked as part of a health care team for almost a decade, Nancy is happy to be back to her passion. She is a contributor to the Huffington Post, TODAY’s Parents, and an Oprah Magazine Brand Ambassador.
For me, it's all about my eyes, too! I have to use special eye drops to keep them from being crazy red.
I have the worst allergies – itchy puffy eyes and hives on my throat – makeup is key!
Oh I love the ice cube all over your face before makeup tip. Know days I could use that! 🙂 Thanks for sharing.
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Zyrtec is great! I use it all the time to combat allergies!
I love these allergy face posts from Zyrtec. I always learn so much. It's good to see that i'm not the only one that has problems with their eyes during allergy season. Mine get really red and teary!
I wear contact lenses so my eyes are really my main focus.
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I am big on eye drops and sunglasses. It's the truth those puffy eyes are not pretty. Plus I notice sometimes the whole face puffs up with allergies. Not so nice for putting makeup on top of.
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Great tips! I SO have an allergy face 🙁 My nose is perpetually red and my eyes watery. Thanks for sharing 🙂
Oy, ragweed is killing me right now. I've never tried Zyrtec. Must give it a go.
yes, allergies have been kicking my butt each morning, luckily it seems to subside by the afternoon!
Tips to help women look their best when dealing with allergy face.
Thanks for sharing these tips,sure to be helpful !
Thanks,so puffy this season,back to trying the tips!
This season has to be the worst for me too!