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NanoDrop May Not Reinvent Drinking Forever But, Sodastream Does! #EarthIsCute

NanoDrop May Not Reinvent Drinking Forever But, Sodastream Does! #EarthIsCute

Is NanoDrop 5,000 Times More Hydrating Than Water?

That idea alone had me intrigued. Being able to get 5,000 times the hydration with one drop means less water, less plastic bottles, less waste in oceans and how Paris Hilton describes, it makes for happy turtles. While no magic bottle exists, there is SodaStream.

Just knowing that there is so much plastic waste in our seas that is affecting sea life hurts my heart. I thought the idea of NanoDrop, a new compound molecule of liquid that is 5,000 times as hydrating and thirst quenching as regular sparkling water is GENIUS.

One drop equals one glass of regular water. The droplets come in tiny yet highly stylish nano-bottles that both seriously cut down on plastic waste and are easy to carry.

2018 EDIT: Video is no longer available.

Is NanoDrop Real?

In the video, Paris Hilton takes you inside the Paris Hilton Institution for Plastic Pollution Solutions. You will see the rigorous “testing” and “science” that goes behind creating NanoDrop and you’ll even meet Phil, Chief Scientist of PHIPPS. Take a look for yourself!

When I first watched the video, I was impressed with what they had going on at PHIPPS. It would make getting my water intake daily super easy and no more lugging around water bottles. You could forget about awkwardly carrying all those heavy cases of sparkling water too. Plus, I could fit the nano-bottles in my purse easily. It was perfect!

Then the Truth Hit!

Turns out, NanoDrop isn’t 5,000 times as hydrating as a glass of water, poor Phil ended up proving that.

RIP, Phil, RIP.

But, there is a solution that has been here all along. My friends, that solution is SodaStream. You can make delicious sparkling water from the comfort of your own home and you don’t have to carry heavy cases of sparkling water from the store.

I’m a huge fan of SodaStream and I can’t believe I didn’t think of it! Did you know that it’s an environmentally conscious product? One SodaStream machine helps save the planet from 1,460 plastic bottles of waste.

Again, less waste–happy turtles.

So no, NanoDrop isn’t real but, wouldn’t it be wild if it was? Did this April Fool’s joke get you?

I’ll admit, it got me at first. Feel free to share the video with your friends to try and fool them too and who knows? They may discover a new way to get their hydration and help the planet at the same time.

While NanoDrop isn’t a real product on the market and it certainly isn’t reinventing drinking forever, SodaStream has!

And that my friends, as Paris Hilton says, is hot.

Have you ever tried SodaStream?

Let me know, til then–cheers m’deres!





Note: This post is brought to you by SodaStream. All thoughts and opinions are honest and my own.

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  1. We have a sodasteam and I LOVE it! It is right here above me on the shelves overhead where I work all day each day. I am SO happy I got one!

  2. I love my SodaStream. It has saved me a ton on buying soda and the kids love to make their own mixes. I like to make my water extra fizzy.

  3. I love the soda stream! I always recommend it to people I coach who are trying to give up soda. A little fruit infused water is awesome. There’s flavor and also fizz. Soda be gone!

  4. That would be interesting IF it actually was 5,000 x as hydrating as a glass of water. Then, I wouldn’t have to drink so many cups of water per day! 😉

  5. it’s my first time to read about sodastream! i think this iss vveyr interesting product! gonna check this out!

  6. this is new to me! looks so unique and very interesting! i wish nano drop reallly exist in my country lol

  7. My mom swears by her Sodastream. I am definitely getting inspired by all these positive reviews to look into buying one.

  8. Paris Hilton was hilarious in that video. My hubby is the one that introduced me to bubbly water. We’ve talked about getting a Sodastream. This year might end up being the year we do get one.

  9. I thought NanoDrop sounded too good to be true! I haven’t tried soda stream; it sounds like a great product for people who like pop and sparkling water.

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