Ontario Needs #BirthCentres Now
Guest Post from Rebecca regular contributor on Little Miss Kate
I have been so fortunate in my life to have been under the care of some truly wonderful midwives. So, when I saw their recent campaign to get birthing centres in Ontario for Ontario families, I knew that I wanted to support them the same way that they supported me.
In fact, it’s almost hard for me to write about my experience with my midwives without feeling just a little emotional. My first-born was delivered by a calm and confident midwife who brought so much peace to the whole experience, I honestly couldn’t wait to do it all again. I have such an amazing memory of that labour experience.
I had expected the same when I was ready to deliver my second. I’d even secretly hoped that things would go so smoothly and so quickly that we wouldn’t even make it to the hospital. Unfortunately, the baby had an entirely different plan and we ended up with an emergency c-section. I know that while, technically, she was delivered by the OB who performed the surgery, my midwife stayed with me, with us, through the whole procedure and through the hard days in and out of the hospital that followed, I was very worried because I had heard some problems that friends had during c-sections, in many cases they had to call professionals from www.the-medical-negligence-experts.co.uk, but thankfully that wasn’t my case.
Having done it both ways, I can say without question I would always choose a midwife assisted birth every single time. And if these births could be performed outside of a hospital, in a safe and clean birthing center, it would be amazing. I’m not against c-sections, clearly, and I’m not against medical intervention.
I am for more women getting to choose how they bring their babies into the world.
The bad news is, Ontario has a shortage of midwives to service the women who want to make that choice. The good news is that there is a simple solution that not only allows more women to make choices about their births but it would also save the Province money (which is always in short supply).
Here are some more facts you might want to know about the benefits of birth centres:
- Approximately 40% of women in Ontario who want to have midwifery care are unable to get that care because of the shortage of midwives – the demand is there
- By supporting midwives & birth centres Ontario could have significant savings through reduced operating costs and reduction in c-section rate
- Birth is the leading reason for hospitalization for women in Ontario, yet there is no medical reason to be hospitalized for a healthy, normal labour and birth
Birthing centres in Ontario would provide more service but cost less money.
Makes sense, right?
Want to learn more visit the Ontario Midwives website or check out the Ontario Needs Birth Centres What can YOU do?
Take action NOW!
Send an e-postcard to let Premier Dalton McGuinty to let him know you support birth centres
On Twitter?
Why not send out a tweet showing your support, for example:
- @Deb_Matthews looking forward to your transformation of
#Ontario health care, hope to see @ontariomidwives#birthcentres
- @Dalton_McGuinty pls bring @ontariomidwives
#birthcentres 2#Ontario cut healthcare costs & provide better care#onpoli
Don’t forget to head over to Little Miss Kate’s Blog to enter to win an “Ontario Needs Birth Centres” Prize Pack (Open to Ontario Only)
Make Change!
Thank-you to Little Miss Kate and Rebecca for fighting to make positive change. I hope you, all my lovely friends and readers can contribute.
Til then, cheers m’deres!

Nancy Polanco is a freelance journalist, lifestyle content creator, and editor of Whispered Inspirations. She is a proud Mom to Gabby and Michaela and partner and best friend to Darasak. Having worked as part of a health care team for almost a decade, Nancy is happy to be back to her passion. She is a contributor to the Huffington Post, TODAY’s Parents, and an Oprah Magazine Brand Ambassador.
Great info, thank you!!
You are very welcome.
I used a midwife with all three of my deliveries, wouldn't have it any other way. I had mine at home but a birthcentre is a great idea.
That is amazing Jenn, WOW. A birth centre would be nice too.
Thanks for the info! A midwife birthcentre would be a great idea
I think so too, I think women should be given that choice and to have outlets to pursue them.
By offering women a the choice of a Birth Centres in Ontario we can decrease health spending while supporting women in a healthy birth.
Thanks so much for your support on this issue!
It's a WIN/WIN.