Snowpocalypse. Snowmageddon.
The end of days.
That’s what our little city of Windsor was prophesied to have to fight against last week. At least that’s what the weather man said.
Either way, the schools FINALLY issued an official SNOW DAY because come hell or high water (I guess that was kinda coming) they never do!
We decided to enjoy the day by staying in our jammies and treating ourselves to a Spa/Tea Party. We gave each other facials and used my favorite recipe for an organic oatmeal mask. This mask helps treat your dry, winter-battered skin, you can make it yourself by following the recipe, here. After our facials we topped it off with some delightful French Vanilla steamed milk.
We Decided to See What We Were Up Against!
Though we didn’t get the 31 cm of snow that was predicted, we did end up getting about 17 cm and this week we got about 10cm more. So, yes, perhaps Snowmaggedon didn’t rear it’s ugly head but, we have had much more snow this year to play in. And that’s exactly what we did the day following the Snowpocalypse.
It was tons of fun!
Did you take heed of the impending doom of Snowmaggedon and rush out to get supplies, did you think it was a bunch of mumbo jumbo? Personally, I think any snow on the ground is something to take precaution in, especially with precious cargo but, how did you spend your snow day?
Let me know!
Til then, cheers m’deres!

Nancy Polanco is a freelance journalist, lifestyle content creator, and editor of Whispered Inspirations. She is a proud Mom to Gabby and Michaela and partner and best friend to Darasak. Having worked as part of a health care team for almost a decade, Nancy is happy to be back to her passion. She is a contributor to the Huffington Post, TODAY’s Parents, and an Oprah Magazine Brand Ambassador.
Looks like an awesome day!
This post looks like my WW last week! What a great idea to have all this spa fun indoors. This week my post is about the blahness of it all. Enough with the cold. Bring on spring!
Gorgeous blog. Coming over from 7 Clown Circus.
It was pretty awesome Kat! It was fun to play like a kid again!
Hi Vanessa! Why thank-you! I just revamped it here haha! It sure is fun to do that stuff at home, little girls love it. We do mani/pedi's & different masks! They love just being part of the process!
I am TOTALLY ready for spring & summer! I have so much planned! Can't do anything as fun as what you can do during warmer weather! Thx for stopping by!
A spa day – how fun!!