
Do You Know Your Cancer IQ?


Do You Know Your Cancer IQ?

Cancer continues to be one of the world’s leading causes of death. Sometimes it can be a silent killer, while other times it can display various symptoms. 76,000 new cases of cancer were diagnosed in Ontario and approximately 28,500 Ontarians died from cancer. Of those diagnoses, 3,250 were melanoma and 2,450 were kidney cancer. Do you know your cancer IQ?

Knowing your cancer risks and learning how to lower it can definitely help you in the long run. Whether its via prevention or intervention, by assessing your risk–you have a fighting chance!

It is a disease that has affected my family on both my mother and father’s sides. While some have fought and are in remission, others didn’t catch it on time and lost the battle.

World Cancer Day just passed on February 4th of this year. It also marks the first anniversary of My CancerIQ.ca. A website that helps you to complete cancer risk assessments, get your personalized action plans and share and discuss these plans with your families and healthcare providers. My CancerIQ can be accessed from a smartphone, tablet or desktop.


Get Assessed.

Cancer Care Ontario has introducing two new cancers to its online cancer risk assessment tool. In addition to breast, cervical, colorectal and lung cancer, Ontarians can go to MyCancerIQ.ca to assess their risk for kidney cancer and melanoma. At the end of each assessment, you receive a personalized risk assessment and action plan with tips and resources based on your individual risk factors.

Having a tool that is accessible is extremely benefiical. So much so that in 2015, 146,000 Ontarians used My CancerIQ to learn about how to lower their risk. Research has long shown that as many as half of cancers can be prevcented if you eliminate known risk factors.


Lower Your Risk.

I enjoy the sun as much as the next person but, in order to reduce the risk of melanoma, you have to be careful to enjoy the sun safely. Use hats and sunglasses to shield the sun, find the cool shade and most definitely try to avoid tanning equipment. Checking and examining your skin regularly and knowing what to look out for is also beneficial. Remember, the risk of melanoma can be year-long with the sun reflecting off water and sand, but ice, concrete and snow. 

A great way to keep your kidneys healthy and to avoid the risk of kidney cancer, make sure to maintain a healthy lifestyle and weight, keep your blood pressure in check and avoid smoking.


Get Informed.

For more information about the risk factors of melanoma and kidney cancer, check out MyCancerIQ.ca and find out how much you know and learn about how you can lower your risk. Life is all about learning and being informed, make sure to use this useful resource.

How much do you know about your risks?

Let me know, til then-cheers m’deres!




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  1. I should do that assessment. My mom passed away because of cancer, and while I *think* it may have to do with that whole baby powder fiasco, it's better to be safe than sorry. Better to reduce my risks now!

  2. What a fantastic tool and resource. I'm not in Canada, but I clicked over to check it out a bit – definitely the sort of thing that we should all utilize!
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  3. My aunt fought and won a battle with breast cancer! We thank god that she has been cancer-free for years!

  4. Wow this is interesting. Cancer is super high in my family so it's always in my mind. I think this could be very useful.

  5. Great information! Cancer runs in my family quite a bit so I try to control risk factors that I can.

    1. So very true! It can help you assess your own risk and then you can take the best action and seek professional help.

  6. My mother is a breast cancer survivor. I loss both of my grandparents to cancer. I need to know my Cancer IQ, its not something I can just brush up under a rug.

  7. Cancer is something that has become a common disease these days & the Cancer IQ sounds like a wonderful program to get a clear assessment that would help in acting based on any risks involved.

  8. Thank you for sharing this info maybe it may save a life.Cancer is so ugly it has many faces and i have seen many and hate them all.

  9. As I get older I am getting more and more concerned about these things!! Thanks for the info I will check out the site.

  10. I had a discussion last night with my sister about this topic,so this morning i have shared your post on FB and Twitter for my family and friends.

    1. I think it is a great idea to get checked regularly and find out your IQ to see what you can change to prevent it. 🙂

  11. I really need to check my cancer IQ. We all should. You don't need a family history to be vulnerable, and cancer is such a heinous beast.
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  12. This is very interesting. I've lost a few from cancer, so this is a wonderful program. It's extremely important to me to make sure you get checked for cancer yearly at least.

  13. This is so important to know…it is so important for us to know our family history so we can be more aware of our risks.

  14. This is a really interesting site. My mother has had a risk for cancer (skin and breast) but nothing has come of it. Thank goodness!

  15. One hiw interesting is this?!?! Thankfully no one in my family has had cancer. Hopefully it stays that way!!!! Such a horrible thing :-/

  16. My Cancer IQ seems like a great program. I just did the assessment for colorectal cancer and it gave me some suggestions for lowering my risk. Thanks for letting me know about the program.

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