World Breastfeeding Week 2012: Don’t Give Up!
World Breastfeeding Week kicked off yesterday!
Although I am not breastfeeding and I won’t have this blessing again, they are moments in my life that I will never, ever forget.
It is never easy getting started and it’s even harder if you are struggling and having a hard time with it. What most ladies don’t know is the support that is out there for them. I’ve never been the type of person to look down on people who don’t breastfeed, I’ve said it once and a million times, that the choice is yours alone to make.
For whatever reason.
But, breastfeeding was my choice and will always be my choice.
I advocate for it because I believe in the short and long-term benefits that breastfeeding has for my children. Also, the relationship that you build with your little ones is irreplaceable.
Why Breastfeed?
- During the first days of breastfeeding, your body produces liquid gold–colostrum. Where your child gets antibodies and rich nutrients that your baby needs in the first few days of life. It may not be much but, it’s exactly enough for your baby.
- Your milk changes as your baby grows. It has just enough sugar, protein, fat and hydration to nourish your growing baby. It’s always a perfect temperature, no washing and sterilizing bottles.
- It’s green.
Even if you’ve only nursed for the first few days, you’ve benefited your child and if you continue it only gets better!
If you’ve only nursed the baby for a few days:
- Baby receives colostrum, which is known as nature’s vaccine for the newborn.
- Through colostrum, baby will receive antibodies directly from Mom and will be able to fight off any illness she has/had.
- Helps mom’s uterus contract and her body heal faster, the body releases hormones that do this.
If you nurse for 3-4 months:
- Baby is less likely to develop ear infections, get any respiratory infections or illnesses making the rounds in the home & lowers risk to die from SIDS.
- Babies that are exclusively nursed for at least 4 months have half the amount of ear infections than those who were formula-fed.
- You’ve helped them build resistance to meningitis and pneumonia and any gastrointestinal sensitivities.
If you nurse for 6 months:
- Baby is less likely to develop any food allergies. You’ve provided the essential components that line baby’s intestinal tract that protects them from foreign proteins, which are known to cause allergies.
- At 6 months baby’s body begins to make this antibody on its own.
- Vaccines are more effective in babies fed for 6 months.
- Nursing for this long also helps aid in the prevention of childhood cancers.
- This is when it is recommended to introduce baby to solid foods, before this your milk is all that baby needs. But, all babies are different and give different signs of readiness.
If you nurse for 9-12+ months:
- You will see your baby’s brain develop tremendously through this period and a lot of it has been due to your milk.
- Studies show that breastfeeding effects baby’s IQ and development.
- Studies have also shown long-term benefits such as prevention of Crohn’s disease, Hodgkin’s disease, ulcerative colitis and many other conditions in adult life.
- They are also less likely to develop insulin-dependant diabetes.
It will always be near and dear to my heart, so Happy World Breastfeeding Week to all!
So, cheers to all the mommies and daddies that choose to make the breastfeeding choice. If you are struggling, don’t give up and keep going. You can reach out to the La Leche League, your local health unit, the local hospital or the one you gave birth in, if that’s applicable.
There are also forums and websites that you can refer to, sometimes there are little kinks in the road but, believe me–you aren’t the only one who has had the same problem! A good one is to connect with other moms!
Don’t ever hesitate to drop me a line too!
Did you ever struggle while breastfeeding, how did you keep going?
Til next time, cheers m’deres!
Nancy Polanco is a freelance journalist, lifestyle content creator, and editor of Whispered Inspirations. She is a proud Mom to Gabby and Michaela and partner and best friend to Darasak. Having worked as part of a health care team for almost a decade, Nancy is happy to be back to her passion. She is a contributor to the Huffington Post, TODAY’s Parents, and an Oprah Magazine Brand Ambassador.
My babies were born at 30 weeks. I wasn't able to put them to the breast until 35 weeks (due to inability to suck and illness). While it IS possible to breastfeed Triplets, I chose to pump. It's what I could do. I did it exclusively for 17 months and it is one of my proud achievements.
I sacrificed a lot to do this, especially time with my kids but it's what I chose. I do not judge those that choose something other for themselves. Only they know what is best.
Thanks for highlighting this special week.
Besos, Sarah
Zookeeper at Journeys of The Zoo
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That is amazing. It\’s something so incredibly difficult to choose when there are circumstances out of your control. I\’m very pro-breastfeeding but, I never look down on anyone who doesn\’t choose to. For this very reason, you don\’t know WHY they chose to do what they do. Only thing that matters is that YOU know what the right choice for YOU and your children. I had to supplement with my eldest and with my second I nursed until 16 months. Things happen but, it shouldn\’t make who you are if things don\’t go how you expect! Thanks for sharing your wonderful story!
This is such a great post! I love all the information that's available for mothers who want to breastfeed.
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I nursed M until he was 15 or 16 months old. But we did have to supplement with formula in the first months, due to low birth weight and low blood sugar issues. It was so hard at times, and hurt so much, but we were lucky to be able to get past that hurdle and continue for so long. My best friend has tried to nurse all three of hers, but due to a medical condition, nothing would help her produce enough milk.
Everyone is in a different situation and, like you say, it is a personal decision to make (if you can decide.) I'm pretty darn happy with mine 🙂
I love this post! I was adamant that I would breastfeed and was so happy that the nurses and lactation consultant at Mount Sinai were so supportive and encouraging…and that they advocated breastfeeding. It's so important for babies and moms (if moms are able to, that is). Because little one was a preemie, it was that much more important for her immune system. Seriously, mother's milk is liquid gold! I nursed her until she self-weaned at 18 months. It was the saddest day of my life! lol
Wow! Great post! Lots of great information!
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