Chicken Soup for The Soul Chronicles: Here Comes the Bride. #ChickenSoupForTheSoul
All Dressed in White!
Weddings are life changing, life altering and memorable. I am lucky enough to be married to one of the greatest men on Earth. He’s amazing and together we have plenty of stories to share!
Actually, this week we are in sunny Florida renewing our commitment to one another and I’ll let you know our stories of love, laughter and family that we make.
About Here Comes the Bride:
The wedding day, and each day leading up to it, is a special and exciting time. In this collection of 101 heartwarming and hilarious stories, brides and grooms, families and friends share their memories of the big day. With stories about everything from the proposal, to the planning, to actual wedding day events, the honeymoon, and all the joys and frustrations in between, this book will delight and encourage any bride or newlywed. A great gift for bridal showers, engagements, and weddings!
You will see stories about the proposal, the ring, the dress, the planning of the wedding, the wedding party and the honeymoon! Down to family drama, things that went wrong, mid-life love, second chances and unconventional weddings.
I think the way that Dara proposed to me is super memorable, sweet and funny because I didn’t think he was serious! Down on one knee and all, it was amazing! He took me blindfolded to the our special spot where he first asked me out so many years ago, he handed me a book which was absolutely gorgeous. He took my blindfold off and was down on one knee. He asked me to marry him and to open the book.
The book was a case and inside was my ring hanging on ribbon.
It was absolutely breathtaking and I was beyond overwhelmed and in tears, I even said, “Are you serious?” Dara still teases me til this day for saying that. We spent the day in a luxury hotel, spa treatments and amazing food and it definitely is so memorable.
What are your “bride” or “wedding” stories?
Let me know, cheers m’deres!

Nancy Polanco is a freelance journalist, lifestyle content creator, and editor of Whispered Inspirations. She is a proud Mom to Gabby and Michaela and partner and best friend to Darasak. Having worked as part of a health care team for almost a decade, Nancy is happy to be back to her passion. She is a contributor to the Huffington Post, TODAY’s Parents, and an Oprah Magazine Brand Ambassador.
I love reading these books so many touching stories!