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How Your Home Affects Your Health

A neutral living with a coffee table neatly adorned.

How Your Home affects Your Health

We tend to think of our homes as spaces for relaxing, creating memories, and as an all-around shelter from the madness of the outside world. However, it’s always important to keep in mind that it’s not like your property is disconnected from the rest of the world.

The things that can affect you on the outside can also be a presence inside your house, too.

Below, we take a look at a few ways that your home might be having a negative impact on your physical and mental well-being.

Poor Sleeping

If we’re going to be at our best, then we need to ensure we’re well-rested. Nighttime is when your body recovers and builds up the energy you need to be at your best throughout the day.

If you haven’t been sleeping well, then you’ll be more vulnerable to pick up illnesses. Additionally, you’ll be less relaxed, and a build-up of stress can lead to a whole host of health conditions.

Make sure that your home is fit for sleeping. Soundproof the room, invest in blackout curtains and make your bedroom more zen and conducive to relaxation.

Too Dark

This is something that we all too easily forget. Now, there are clear advantages to living inside, and no-one’s going to suggest that you move to the woods. However, you will want to ensure that there’s a semblance of the outdoors in your property.

For example, there’s natural light.

If you live in a perpetually dark place (which is common in cities), then you might find that you have lower energy and that you’re more prone to getting SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder).

Low Air Quality

Your health is regularly affected by the things that you can see. It’s the stuff that you can’t see that does most of the time. For example, the air that you breathe in.

If it’s not as pure as it should be, then you might find that you suffer from a whole host of health problems. You can improve the quality of your air by first working with a mold removal company.

You should also avoid the use of cleaning products that contain toxic chemicals. Go natural instead.

Lack of Relaxation

Our mind and body aren’t two different entities. They feed into one another. If your mind is stressed, then your body will be too. It’s worthwhile looking to see if your home adds to your stress levels or calms you down.

If it’s the former, then look at making some changes.

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Adding a tech-free part to your home will help. It’ll allow you to just sit back and read, without being interrupted by beeping sounds and flashing images. Both of which can keep our brain in a state of stressful alertness.

What we have in our homes truly does affect our health, we are just made that way. Ensuring that your home works for you will help you so much!

Do you have any tips to add?

Let me know, til then–cheers m’deres!

The name Nancy is shown with a dandelion fluff on the end of the y.







A banner reads, "How your home might affect your health," a picture of a A neutral living with a coffee table neatly adorned.

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