5 Tips to Cope with Sexual Harassment in a Male-Led Workplace

A man harasses a co-worker in the workplace. This article covers 5 tips on how to cope with sexual harassment in a male-led workplace.

5 Tips to Cope with Sexual Harassment in a Male-Led Workplace

Sexual harassment can take many forms, from leering to violent acts. When it comes to male-led workplaces, powerful men may feel they have more latitude to act inappropriately.

It’s often more difficult for victims to come forward. 

But sexual harassment isn’t just about feeling afraid or embarrassed.

It’s about power and control. As such, it can negatively impact employees who are already feeling low in their workload or self-esteem at work. 

These five tips will help you cope with sexual harassment in a male-led workplace.

1. Seek Support from Colleagues

It’s important to have support from your colleagues. If you are being harassed and do not report it to management, your coworkers may feel conflicted and reluctant to step in on your behalf.

Instead, seek out their support by circulating the news. Enlisting them as allies will help to make the situation more transparent. 

However, don’t share sensitive information such as the details of your experience with other employees.

This information needs to be kept confidential until the point at which you want to take action against your harasser.

2. Use Your Voice

If you are being harassed, there may be several things you can do to improve the situation for yourself and others.

For example, other employees may be uncomfortable speaking up about harassment for fear of losing their jobs.

Which is a legitimate concern.

If you feel unsafe at your workplace, you must be informed about the options available for addressing this issue and your rights. 

However uncomfortable speaking out may be in certain situations, victims must report their experiences.

Do not be coerced into silence.

3. Follow Up with Management

While it may be tempting to forget about the harassment and move on with your work life, it’s important not to let yourself get too comfortable in this kind of treatment.

After documenting your situation, following up with management is an excellent way to remind them of your concerns.

It will help ensure that they take corrective action when necessary. 

When talking to your supervisors about this issue, keep in mind that some problems may be more serious than others.

It’s a good idea to work closely with HR so that you and your company can move forward in an orderly fashion.

4. Seek Legal Help

If you’re being harassed at work, legal options may be available to you. Depending on the allegation, it may be possible to file a complaint against your employer.

It may be in federal court or under your state’s laws.

When considering legal assistance, for example, the best employment lawyers in Boston, you must ensure they are experienced, knowledgeable, and authorized to practice.

5. Seek Safer Employment Vacancies

Once you’ve documented your experiences with harassment at the workplace, perhaps you can decide that it is safe to work with the harasser in the future.

However, if you feel that the harassment is unreasonably persistent and severe, you should consider applying for another position in a different company.

If a superior won’t act, it may be time to leave the workplace.

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When gender-based discrimination in the workplace is normalized, it can lead to consequences for employees’ mental and physical health.

At the same time, sexual harassment and sexism are challenging to recognize and understand.

We hope that this article has taught you some of the best tips to cope with sexual harassment in any workplace.

Have you ever had to cope with sexual harassment?



If you've been harassed at work, here are 5 useful tips to cope with sexual harassment. Some are a lot easier than you think.

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